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## Fifty shades of cold
### Instructions
You've been asked to freshen a webpage atmosphere by displaying shades of cold colors.
Check the `colors` array provided in the data file below.
- Create a `<style>` tag in the `<head>` tag and generate, for each color of `colors`, a class setting the `background` attribute and taking the color as value, like following:
.indianred {
background: indianred;
- Create a `<div>` for each color of the `colors` array whose name contains `aqua`, `blue`, `turquoise`, `green`, `cyan`, `navy` or `purple`.\
Each `<div>` must have the corresponding generated class and display the name of the color, like following:
<div class="indianred">indianred</div>
- The function `choseShade` is triggered when clicking on a `div`.\
Write the body of this function, which receives the shade of the clicked element as argument, and replaces all the other elements class by the chosen shade.
### Notions
- [`head`]( / [style tag](
- [`className`](
- [`classList`]( `contains()`, `replace()`
### Provided files
- Import the `colors` from the data file: [data.js](./data.js)
### Expected result
You can see an example of the expected result [here](