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todoMVC changes

OGordoo 4 years ago
  1. 7
  2. 38


@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ Your framework should implement:
- State Management - State Management
- Event Handling - Event Handling
You will also need to make a [todoMVC]( project using your framework.
### Instructions ### Instructions
You must create documentation for your framework, so that users (auditers) are able to understand and know how to use your framework without experiencing any awkwardness. By documentation we mean, the explaining of how does the framework works and how to work with it, for example: how to create a div, how to add an event to a button, etc. You must create documentation for your framework, so that users (auditers) are able to understand and know how to use your framework without experiencing any awkwardness. By documentation we mean, the explaining of how does the framework works and how to work with it, for example: how to create a div, how to add an event to a button, etc.
@ -96,6 +98,11 @@ You will also have to implement a way to handle the events triggered by the user
--- ---
#### TodoMVC
A todoMVC project consists on creating a [webpage]( (this example is written in VanillaJS) with the same elements present in the example, so we advise you to test it around first. You have to make your todoMVC project, a pretty much perfect copy of the examples given in the links above, but using your framework.\
Be aware that every thing that we can't visually see has to be present too (ids, classes, etc.).
This project will help you learn about: This project will help you learn about:
- Web Development - Web Development


@ -1,32 +1,44 @@
#### Functional #### Functional
###### Are all the framework API correctly documented? (If so, you will need it for the next questions) ###### Are all the framework API correctly documented?
##### First take a look at the behavior of the code presented in the [_dom/README.md_]( file. Then try to replicate the behavior of the example with the corresponding template of the framework and run the app. ##### Open the todoMVC project and compare it to other [todoMVC project]( ([example](
###### Can you create the red box and the button present in the example? ###### Does it contain every element as the other todoMVCs examples?
##### With the same example as above, open the Web Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+I) and go to the Inspector Tab. ##### Open the Web Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+I) and check for the classes, ids, etc.
###### Are the elements created as they should (the red box and the button inside the app div)? ###### Does it correctly correspond to those in the examples?
##### Still on the Inspector Tab, does all the elements have the right attributes (id, class, style)? ###### Can you add a todo element to the todo list?
###### With the same example, did the box move when you clicked the button? ###### When you add a todo element to the list, does the footer (element with class footer) appear as in other examples?
##### First take a look at the behavior of the code presented in the [_routing/README.md_]( file. Then try to replicate the behavior of the example with the corresponding template of the framework and run the app. (Making the page reload is not required) ###### Can you check/uncheck a todo element on the list?
###### Were you able to switch between the two pages? ###### Can you remove a todo element off the list?
###### With the same example as above, did the URL changed when you switch between pages? ##### Add at least 2 todos and select only one of them.
##### With the same example, try to define a state by assigning a value to it in the 'Home Page' and then switch to the 'Active Page'. ###### If you click on the **Active** button, does it appear only the unchecked todos?
###### If you check the state, does it kept the value assigned to it? ###### And if you click on the **Completed** button, does it appear only the checked todos?
###### Does it appear a **Clear Completed** button todos?
###### When clicking on the clear completed button, does it remove only the checked todos?
###### When clicking on the **Active** and **Completed** buttons, does the URL change?
##### Add 3 todos to the list and check each one, keeping an eye on the counter of todos left to do.
###### Does the counter change accordingly to your actions?
###### If you double click a todo element on the list can you edit that element?
#### Bonus #### Bonus
###### +Is the performance similar both in the framework code and the examples above? ###### +Is the performance similar both in the student todoMVC and other examples?
###### +Is it easier to handle the DOM using the framework than it is to use plain HTML and JS? ###### +Is it easier to handle the DOM using the framework than it is to use plain HTML and JS?
