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> Due to file size reason, the solution might be uploaded on GitHub instead of Gitea!
#### Main Menu
###### Is the main menu displayed on the screen with all five options visible?
###### Can the general game sound be adjusted directly from the settings menu?
###### When changing the resolution, does a confirmation pop-up appear in the center of the screen asking if the player wants to keep the new graphics settings?
###### If the player presses 'No' on the graphics confirmation pop-up, or if the pop-up is not confirmed within 10 seconds, do the settings revert to the previous ones?
###### Are the mouse settings (mouse sensitivity, invert mouse vertical axis) functioning according to their descriptions?
#### Map / Level
###### Does the map contain props/walls for the player to hide from enemies?
###### Does the map contain pickable ammunition and health placed around?
#### Player Mechanics
###### Does the player have all the minimal animation required (walking, running, melee attacking, shooting, ducking)?
###### Does the player have a health bar?
###### Does the player health decreases when he gets damaged?
###### When the player is hit, are there any blood particles?
###### When the player loses all his health (dies), does he get to choose whether to quit the game, go back to the main menu, or to start over?
###### Does the player have a defined goal or mission?
###### Whatever the goal or mission, can you confirm that the player had enemies on his way to divert him away from his objective?
###### When the player successfully completes the goal or mission, does a pop-up appear indicating `mission completion`?
#### Gun Mechanics
###### Is the player able to shoot?
###### Is there a sound for the guns shooting?
###### Is a widget showing the remaining bullet count displayed?
###### Is the player unable to shoot when he has no bullets?
###### Are there bullets impacts present when shooting at a wall?
#### Enemies
###### Does the game include at least two types of enemies: `Melee` and `Ranged`?
###### Is enemy AI implemented using Behavior Trees?
###### Do the enemies wander around the map?
###### When a player enters an enemy's field of view, does the enemy switch to a chasing mode?
###### Do melee enemies approach the player to perform melee attacks?
###### Do ranged enemies take cover and shoot at the player?
###### Do the enemies go back to patrol mode when the player is hidden from all field of views for a set amount of time?
###### Do the enemies have a sound effect and visual effect when entering and exiting chase mode?
###### Are enemies in chase mode alerting nearby enemies ?
#### Game loop
###### When 'Esc' is pressed does the game pause and a widget similar to the main menu is displayed?
###### Can the player perform all the actions that appear in the menu when the game is paused?
###### Does the game loop last no more than 6 minutes from start to finish?
###### Is a widget that shows the player's remaining time displayed?
#### Bonus
###### +Did the student use different assets than the ones provided in the subject?
###### +Are there more enemy types than the basic melee and ranged enemies?
###### +Are there areas in the game that require an item to access?
###### +Are there different weapon types that you can pick up and use?