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## count_factorial_steps
### Instructions
Create a **function** named `count_factorial_steps` that receives a factorial number and counts how many multiplications are necessary to have this number.
If the argument is not a factorial, or it is equal 0 or 1, then the function should return 0.
pub fn count_factorial_steps(factorial: u64) -> u64 {
As a reminder, the factorial of a number is the product of all the integers from 1 to that number.
Example: the factorial of 6 (written 6!) is 1 \* 2 \* 3 \* 4 \* 5 \* 6 = 720.
### Usage
Here is a possible program to test your function:
use count_factorial_steps::count_factorial_steps;
fn main() {
println!("The factorial steps of 720 = {}", count_factorial_steps(720));
println!("The factorial steps of 13 = {}", count_factorial_steps(13));
println!("The factorial steps of 6 = {}", count_factorial_steps(6));
And its output:
$ cargo run
The factorial steps of 720 = 6
The factorial steps of 13 = 0
The factorial steps of 6 = 3