You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#### General
##### Check the Repo content:
- A `` file, Which explains all the steps to bypass all exercises.
- All used tools and scripts.
###### Are all the required files present?
##### Set up the virtual machine:
1. Download the virtual machine image [hole-in-bin.ova](
For machine using Apple Silicon or equivalent get [](
This image contains all the binaries you will need for the audit.
SHA1 for `hole-in-bin.ova`: 7db09b7a8fdfe25c286561dfa7ca5b50718bd60c
SHA1 for ``: fc93533b2054d10d03b09d53c223e57bf7ac7b62
> If it's already downloaded in the student machine, please check the SHA1 running the following command
$ sha1sum <filename>
2. Load the virtual machine image into your virtualization software of choice (e.g., VirtualBox, VMWare).
3. Login using the provided credentials (username: user, password: user).
##### Ask the student to disassemble and explain the binaries:
> Using a decompiler is forbidden, use a disassembler instead of it!
- The compiler is used to convert high-level programming language code into machine language code.
- The assembler converts assembly-level language code into machine language code.
###### Was the student capable to disassemble the binaries?
###### Was the student capable to explain the functionality of all the binaries?
###### Has the student shown the ability to understand and analyze binary structures and operations?
###### Did the student showcase an understanding of reverse engineering concepts?
##### Ask the student to exploit the binaries:
> It's forbidden to use external scripts!
###### Have all binaries been exploited successfully?
###### Did the student demonstrate an understanding of various binary exploitation techniques?
##### Check the student Documentation:
###### Is the documentation clear and complete, including well-structured explanations and thorough descriptions?
###### Did the student explain their thought process and approach to each challenge?
###### Have the student’s notes clearly described the tools and techniques used during the exercise?