- Any required configuration files and scripts for running the tools.
###### Are all the required files present?
##### Play the Role of a Stakeholder
Organize a simulated scenario where the student takes on the role of Cyber Security Experts and explains their solution and knowledge to a team or stakeholder. Evaluate their grasp of the concepts and technologies used in the project, their communication efficacy, and their critical thinking about their solution and knowledge behind this project.
Suggested role play questions include:
- What is penetration testing and why is it important in cybersecurity?
- How do the penetration testing tools contribute to identifying vulnerabilities?
- What challenges did you face while developing the PentestKit tools, and how did you address them?
- How does the PentestKit help in conducting thorough security assessments?
- How can these tools be used in a real-life pentesting scenario?
- How do you ensure the ethical and legal use of these pentesting tools?
###### Were the students able to answer all the questions?
###### Did the students demonstrate a thorough understanding of the concepts and technologies used in the project?
###### Were the students able to communicate effectively and justify their decisions and explain the knowledge behind this project?
###### Were the students able to evaluate the value of this project in real-life scenarios?
###### Did the students demonstrate an understanding of ethical and legal considerations related to pentesting?
##### Check the Student Documentation in the `README.md` File
###### Does the `README.md` file contain all the necessary information about the tools (prerequisites, setup, configuration, usage, ...)?
###### Does the `README.md` file contain clear guidelines and warnings about the ethical and legal use of the tools?
##### Review the Tools' Design and Implementation
1.**Help Command:**
$> pentestkit --help
###### Does the output include an explanation of how to use the tools?
###### Does the output correctly retrieve and analyze HTTP headers?
###### Is the output stored in the file specified in the output parameter?
##### Ensure that the student submission meets the project requirements:
1.**Functionality:** Do the tools perform their intended functions accurately (e.g., port scanning, directory brute-forcing, network mapping, HTTP header analysis)?
2.**Data Accuracy:** Is the retrieved information accurate and relevant?
3.**Ethical Considerations:** Are there clear guidelines and warnings about the ethical and legal use of the tools?
4.**Usability:** Are the tools user-friendly and well-documented?