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#### UX strategy
###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (PDF or Figma)?
###### Is there a title within the document?
###### Is the document clear, simple and easy to read?
###### Is there a time frame?
###### In Empathy or User Research, is there at least one tool, selected by the student, among the following list?
- User interviews
- Analytics
- Competitive analysis
###### In Define, is there at least one tool, selected by the student, among the following list?
- Persona
- Empathy Map
- User Journey
- JBTD or Jobs-to-be-done
###### Is there a “Problem Statement” spot? (ask the student to show you)
###### In Ideation, is there at least one ideation technique? (ask the student to show you)
###### Is there a “Prototype” spot that is either paper prototype or wireframe that contains at least one tool among the two following?
- User Flow
- Card Sorting
###### Is there a “Test” spot with at least 5 users?
###### Does each of these five phases have a time frame?
#### Empathy
###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”?
###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
###### Are the deliverables in the correct format?
###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read?
###### Is at least one of the following tools used?
- User interviews
- Analytics
- Competitive analysis
###### Is the script completed (list of criteria in the instructions section)?
###### Is the tool completed (list of criteria in the instructions section)?
###### Is there a PDF document with the key learnings the students learnt from this phase?
#### Problem statement
###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (PDF)?
###### Is there a title within the document?
###### Is the document clear, simple and easy to read?
###### Is there one question that stands as a problem statement?
###### Are there between 1 and 3 KPIs that will help you measure the success of the upcoming solution?
###### Are there the key learnings the students learnt from this phase?
#### Ideation
###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”?
###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
###### Are the deliverables in the correct format?
###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read?
###### Is there a script of the ideation workshop?
###### Is there the main objective in this script?
###### Is there an ice breaker in this script?
###### Are there the main steps of the ideation process in this script?
###### Are there clear instructions in this script?
###### Is there a time schedule for each step in this script?
###### Is there a voting process to select the main idea in this script?
###### Is there a board with all the ideas (on paper or digitally on Miro or Figma)?
###### Is there one main concept out of the ideation workshop?
###### Is there a document with the key learnings the students learnt from this phase?
#### Prototype
###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”?
###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read?
###### Is there a paper prototype with 6 to 12 different screens?
###### Are there mid-fidelity wireframes on Figma?
###### Do the mid-fidelity wireframes match the paper prototype?
###### Are the paper prototypes and wireframes in black, grey and white and do not include any style elements?
###### Does each screen have the main navigation elements (arrows, menu, call to actions)?
###### Does each screen follow the other?
###### Is the navigation fluid from the beginning to the end?
###### If there are user flows or card-sorting, do they match the criteria (from the instructions section)?
###### Is there a PDF document with the key learnings the students learnt from this phase?
#### Test protocol
###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”?
###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read?
###### Is the scope clear: What are we testing?
###### Are there either 5 names or a strategy to find users to interview?
###### Are the objectives clear: What are we proving?
###### Are the metrics clear to prove the test is efficient?
###### Is there a greeting introduction?
###### Are the instructions clear?
###### Is there a conclusion to thank the user?
###### Are there at least 3 learnings or iteration suggestions to be made for the next version?
###### Is there a PDF document with the key learnings the student learned at this stage?