Finally you are going to understand how internet works from the server side. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol was created in order to ensure a reliable way to communicate on a request/response base.
It is used by servers and clients (usually browsers) to serve content and it is the backbone of the World Wide Web, still it is also used in many other cases that are far beyond the scope of this exercise.
Here you will learn the basics of the protocol and a good place to start could be the [RFC](
You have to base your server on this example but you must test also more complex configurations with multiple locations and ports and multiple servers such as:
- Define a directory or a file from where the file should be searched (for example, if URL /test is rooted to /usr/Desktop, url /usr/Desktop/tmp/folder1/folder2).
- Do stress tests (for example with `siege -b [IP]:[PORT]`), it must stay available at all costs (availability should be up to 95.99).
- Create and provide during the audit tests for as many cases as you can (redirections, bad configuration files, static and dynamic pages, default error pages and so on).
- You can use the language you prefer to write tests, as long as they are exhaustive and the auditor can check their behavior.
- Test possible memory leaks before to submit the project.