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## cipher
### Instructions
The Atbash cipher is an encryption method in which each letter of a word is replaced by its mirror letter in the alphabet.
Your objective is to create a **function** called `cipher` which must return a `Result` wrapped in an `Option`, this result should return either a `boolean`
or an `Error` based on the structure `CipherError`. This structure should be the error type for the **function** `cipher`.
This function should compare the original `String` with the ciphered `String`. It should return `true` if the cipher is correct. If the cipher is incorrect it should return the error type `CipherErr` with a `boolean` and the expected atbash cipher `String`.
### Notions
- [Module std::fmt](
### Expected Function and structure
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct CipherError {
// expected public fields
impl CipherError {
pub fn new(validation: bool, expected: String) -> CipherError {
pub fn cipher(original: &str, ciphered: &str) -> Option<Result<bool, CipherError>> {
### Usage
Here is a program to test your function:
use cipher::*;
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", cipher("1Hello 2world!", "1Svool 2dliow!"));
println!("{:?}", cipher("1Hello 2world!", "svool"));
println!("{:?}", cipher("", "svool"));
And its output:
student@ubuntu:~/cipher/test$ cargo run
Some(Err(CipherError { validation: false, expected: "1Svool 2dliow!" }))