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import * as cp from 'child_process'
import { mkdir, writeFile, readFile } from 'fs/promises'
import { join, isAbsolute } from 'path'
import { tmpdir } from 'os'
import { promisify } from 'util'
const exec = promisify(cp.exec)
export const tests = []
export const setup = async ({ path }) => {
const dir = `${tmpdir()}/tell-it-cypher`
await mkdir(dir)
const run = async (cmd) => {
const [filename, keyword, newFile] = cmd.split(' ')
const filePath = isAbsolute(filename) ? filename : join(dir, filename)
const { stdout } = await exec(
`node ${path} ${filePath} ${keyword} ${newFile || ''}`,
const newFileName =
newFile || (keyword === 'encode' ? 'cypher.txt' : 'clear.txt')
const fileContent = await readFile(newFileName, 'utf8').catch((err) =>
err.code === 'ENOENT' ? 'output file not found' : err,
return { data: fileContent }
return { tmpPath: dir, run, encoded, decoded }
tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => {
const vips = `1. Langley Shyam
2. Harwood Austin
3. Morgan Reem
4. Chamberlain Neal
5. Walters Ryan`
const fileName = `${ctx.tmpPath}/vip.txt`
await writeFile(fileName, vips)
const { data } = await`${fileName} encode`)
return eq(
4 years ago
tests.push(async ({ randStr, eq, ctx }) => {
const vips = `1. Wynn Kayla
2. Hardy Gladys
3. Rogers Laaibah
4. Randolph Zishan
5. Connolly Connor`
4 years ago
const fileName = `${ctx.tmpPath}/vip-${randStr()}.txt`
await writeFile(fileName, vips)
const { data } = await`${fileName} encode mysecret.txt`)
return eq(
4 years ago
tests.push(async ({ randStr, eq, ctx }) => {
const vipsEncoded = "MS4gVmlsbGFycmVhbCBFc2EKICAyLiBXeW5uIEtheWxhCiAgMy4gSGFyZHkgR2xhZHlzCiAgNC4gUm9nZXJzIExhYWliYWgKICA1LiBSYW5kb2xwaCBaaXNoYW4="
4 years ago
const fileName = `${ctx.tmpPath}/vip-encoded-${randStr()}.txt`
await writeFile(fileName, vipsEncoded)
const { data } = await`${fileName} decode`)
return eq(
`1. Villarreal Esa
2. Wynn Kayla
3. Hardy Gladys
4. Rogers Laaibah
5. Randolph Zishan`,
4 years ago
tests.push(async ({ randStr, eq, ctx }) => {
const vipsEncoded = "MS4gQmVybmFyZCBDaGFybWFpbmUKICAyLiBEb3duZXMgU29oYWlsCiAgMy4gR29tZXogUmFiaWEKICA0LiBCcmVubmFuIEJyZW5kYW4KICA1LiBBdGhlcnRvbiBTaGFubmVu"
4 years ago
const fileName = `${ctx.tmpPath}/vip-encoded-${randStr()}.txt`
await writeFile(fileName, vipsEncoded)
const { data } = await`${fileName} decode pandora.txt`)
return eq(
`1. Bernard Charmaine
2. Downes Sohail
3. Gomez Rabia
4. Brennan Brendan
5. Atherton Shannen`,