Animation must have consistent motion, so in order to have a smooth animation (without interruptions or better named: jank animation) you must achieve a special number, [**60fps**]( You can see more about performance [here](
In order to play the game you must use only the keyboard. The usage of keyboard must be smooth, in other words you must not spam the key to move the player. But instead you must, for example maintain the key pressed and the player must continue to do the proper action. If the key is released the player should stop doing the action.
Your game will have to respect the genre of one of these games listed below. In other words, the main goal of the game has to be similar to one of these:
The one tool that most will help you is the Performance Tool. There you can record a sample of your actions on the site and analyze the FPS, check for frame drops, how many time is your functions taking to execute, amongst other useful stuff.
In the developer tools you can also find a Paint Flashing option that will highlight every paint that happens in your page as you perform actions in it.