You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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## StreamCollect
### Instructions
Create a file ``.
Create a function `mapByFirstLetter` which maps the first letter (to upper case) to the String.
Create a function `getMaxByModulo4` which return a map associating the modulo 4 to the max of the integer mathching the modulo 4.
##Create a function `orderAndConcatWithSharp` which joins the alphabetically sorted Strings with a ' # ' between each. The result String starts with a '{' and ends with a '}'.
### Expected Functions
public class StreamCollect {
public static Map<Object, List<String>> mapByFirstLetter(Stream<String> s) {
// your code here
public static Map<Integer, Optional<Integer>> getMaxByModulo4(Stream<Integer> s) {
// your code here
public static String orderAndConcatWithSharp(Stream<String> s) {
// your code here
### Usage
Here is a possible to test your function :
public class ExerciseRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(StreamCollect.mapByFirstLetter(Stream.of("Bonjour", "le", "monde !", "bonsoir")));
System.out.println(StreamCollect.getMaxByModulo4(Stream.of(5, 12, 32, 4, 9, 17, 98, 424, 97, 5843, 48354)));
System.out.println(StreamCollect.orderAndConcatWithSharp(Stream.of("Hello", "how are you ?", "where do you live ?", "Bordeaux")));
and its output :
$ javac *.java -d build
$ java -cp build ExerciseRunner
{B=[Bonjour, bonsoir], L=[le], M=[monde !]}
{0=Optional[424], 1=Optional[97], 2=Optional[48354], 3=Optional[5843]}
##{Bordeaux # Hello # how are you ? # where do you live ?}
### Notions