# Piscine Go curriculum
## Week One
### Quest 1
#### Introduction to shell
Notions: basic usage and interaction with a command line terminal.
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 1-2 `curl` with the GitHub api and Example of shell file | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0Mqc215igw
- 1-3 `touch`, `chmod` and `echo` | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21h-vsuXgDU
- 1-4 `find` and `grep` | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a1JSWHhJlM
- 1-5 `cut`, `sed` and `tr` | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nil7rVP3eMI
- 1-6 `jq` and `wc` | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQmcaOseuiA&
- introduction | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/introduction
- make-it-better | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/make-it-better
- to-git-or-not-to-git | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/to-git-or-not-to-git
- who-are-you | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/who-are-you
- cl-camp1 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/cl-camp1
- cl-camp2 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/cl-camp2
- cl-camp3 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/cl-camp3
- cl-camp4 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/cl-camp4
- cl-camp5 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/cl-camp5
- cl-camp6 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/cl-camp6
- cl-camp7 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/cl-camp7
- cl-camp8 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/cl-camp8
- now-get-to-work | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/now-get-to-work
### Quest 2
#### Introduction to Go Lang and basic programmation concepts
Notions: Variables declaration, Loops, if and else statement, usage of z01.PrintRune function.
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 02-01-If and Else Statements in Go | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnF1_SfeGE4
- 02-02-ForLoops | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt47lx6q2-4
- 02-03-PrintRune function | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8JrvI3jqoM
- 02-04-Variables Declaration and ascii | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCNOV8m0hJQ
- printalphabet | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printalphabet
- printreversealphabet | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printreversealphabet
- prindigits | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printdigits
- isnegative | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/isnegative
- printcomb | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printcomb
- printcomb2 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printcomb2
- printnbr | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printnbr
- printcombn | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printcombn
### Quest 3
#### Introduction to Go Lang and basic programmation concepts II
Notions: String Manupulation, Range Loops, Pointers, Modulo and Division relative to computer science.
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 03-01-StringsManipulation | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LplJN_8iOU
- 03-02-RangeLoop | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i89N4cjh1-g
- 03-03-Pointers on variables | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owVPa5b1BMc
- 03-04-Modulo and Division | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVan-9-Ioec
- pointone | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/pointone
- ultimatepointone | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/ultimatepointone
- divmod | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/divmod
- ultimatedivmod | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/ultimatedivmod
- printstr | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printstr
- strlen | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/strlen
- swap | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/swap
- strrev | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/strrev
- basicatoi | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/basicatoi
- basicatoi2 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/basicatoi2
- atoi | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/atoi
- sortintegerable | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/sortintegertable
### Exam 1 (4hours)
#### Basic functions and programs skills evaluation, based on Quest 2 and Quest 3
### Raid 1 - Square Drawing
#### First Group project. Problem resolution. Usage of first knowledge (loop and if/else)
## Week Two
### Quest 4
#### Algorithmia concepts
Notions: Iterative and recursive programmation
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 04-01-Iterativity and Recursivity | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCZDdAID5Ik
- iterativefactorial | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/iterativefactorial
- recursivefactorial | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/recursivefactorial
- iterativepower | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/iterativepower
- recursivepower | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/recursivepower
- fibonacci | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/fibonacci
- sqrt | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/sqrt
- isprime | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/isprime
- findnextprime | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/findnextprime
- eightqueens | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/eightqueens
### Quest 5
#### Application of previously viewed concepts.
Notions: String Manipulation and medium-advanced algorithmia
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 05-01-Runes, Bytes and Strings | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eIU5ISID64
- firstrune | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/firstrune
- nrune | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/nrune
- lastrune | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/lastrune
- index | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/index
- compare | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/compare
- toupper | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/toupper
- tolower | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/tolower
- capitalize | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/capitalize
- isalpha | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/isalpha
- isnumeric | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/isnumeric
- islower | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/islower
- isupper | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/isupper
- isprintable | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/isprintable
- concat | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/concat
- basicjoin | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/basicjoin
- join | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/join
- printnbrbase | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printnbrbase
- atoibase | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/atoibase
### Quest 6
#### Usage of OS.Args
Notions: Arguments manipulation in programs
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 06-01-Os.Args | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1xt_TLRhF0
- printprogramname | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printprogramname
- printparams | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printparams
- revparams | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/revparams
- sortparams | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/sortparams
### Quest 7
#### The Memory Allocation in GoLang
Notions: Usage of Make and Append
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 07-01-Make and Append methods | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HHVUM0YQuI
- appendrange | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/apprendrange
- makerange | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/makerange
- concatparams | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/concatparams
- splitwhitespaces | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/splitwhitespaces
- printwordstables | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/printwordstables
- convertbase | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/converbase
- split | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/split
### Exam 2 (4hours)
#### Basic functions and programs skills evaluation, based on Quest 2 and Quest 6
### Raid 2 - Sudoku
#### Second Group project. Problem resolution. Usage of Memory manipulation tools
## Week Three
### Quest 8
#### Introduction to Structures and advanced types in GoLang
Notions: Creation of struct types and file manipulation (Open, Read, Close methods)
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 08-01-Structures in Go | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-24M7r7VuLY
- 08-02-File Manipulation in go | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vUgchQGhcQ
- bool | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/bool
- point | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/point
- displayfile | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/displayfile
- cat | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/cat
- ztail | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/ztail
### Quest 9
#### Functions as argument
Notions: Advance function prototyping
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 09-01-Functions as Arguments | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw8jUwsluAE
- foreach | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/foreach
- map | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/map
- any | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/any
- countif | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/countif
- issorted | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/issorted
- doop | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/doop
- sortwordarr | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/sortwordarr
- advancedsortwordarr | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/advancedsortwordarr
### Quest 10
#### Hackathon
Notions: All previously viewed concepts in team work
- rot14 | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/rot14
- abort | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/abort
- collatzcountdown | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/collatzcountdown
- comcheck | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/comcheck
- enigma | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/enigma
- pilot | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/pilot
- fixthemain | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/fixthemain
- compact | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/compact
- activebits | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/activebits
- max | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/max
- join | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/join
- unmatch | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/unmatch
### Exam 3 (4hours)
#### Basic functions and programs skills evaluation, based on Quest 2 and Quest 8
### Raid 3 - File Reader
#### Second Group project. Problem resolution. File manipulation based on Raid 1
## Week Four
### Quest 11
#### Linked lists in GoLang
Notions: Pointers manipulation and data structure
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 11-01-Linked Lists Introduction | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPICVEbylU0
- listpushback | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listpushback
- listpushfront | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listpushfront
- listsize | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listsize
- listlast | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listlast
- listclear | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listclear
- listat | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listat
- listreverse | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listreverse
- listforeach | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listforeach
- listforeachif | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listforeachif
- listfind | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listfind
- listremoveif | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listremoveif
- listmerge | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listmerge
- listsort | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/listsort
- sortlistinsert | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/sortlistinsert
- sortedlistmerge | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/sortedlistmerge
### Quest 12
#### Binary Trees
Notions: Advanced Data Structure using binary trees
Refactor & Beautify & destruction commit
return early, remove else branches, reorder conditions and top-level functions, remove empty lines, remove unnecessary append(), fix typos, stop using testing package, remove dead code, fix mistakes in subjects, tests and solutions, remove disclaimers, reformat comments, simplify solutions, tests, add more instructions to subjects, remove obsolete files, etc.
Some of the reasons behind those modifications will be added to good-practices.en.md
Some of the exercises are now broken, they will have to be fixed, most of them have a "TODO:" comment.
5 years ago
- 12-01-Introduction to Binary Trees | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g2WCqWNIVs
- btreeinsertdata | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreeinsertdata
- btreeapplyinorder | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreeapplyinorder
- btreeapplypreorder | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreeapplypreorder
- btreesearchitem | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreesearchitem
- btreelevelcount | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreelevelcount
- btreeisbinary | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreeisbinary
- btreeapplylevel | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreeapplylevel
- btreemax | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreemax
- btreemin | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreemin
- btreetransplant | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreetransplant
- btreedeletenode | https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/btreedeletenode
### Exam 4 - Final Exam (8hours)
#### Functions and programs skills evaluation, based on Quest 2 and Quest 11