ascii-art audit `` file. Here is the [link]( to the raw file.
If the paths are correctly inputed and your repository is correctly publicly published on gitHub pages, you will see your subject and your audit in the platform.
5. Once the build is complete (it can take 5 to 15 mins). Go back to the attributes of the exercise,
Add the attribute **testImage (type string)**
Fill it with the name of the repository,
**In this example: frenchris/test**
6. Once your exercise has both the attributes completed correctly, the exercise is viable and can be tested on the server which was selected for its addition.
7. As a reminder to test the exercise it is suggested to follow these steps:
-`Create` a custom `Quest-test` object
-`Adding` the new `exercise` object as a child to the newly created `Quest-test` object
-`Create` a `Piscine-test` object
-`Adding` the new `Quest-test` as a child to the newly created `Piscine-test` object
-`Adding` the `Piscine-test` to the `campus` object as **first child**
- Go to the event page and launch the newly created `Piscine-test`. (You may need to refresh the page 2-3 times before the `campus/Piscine-test` option appears)
- Once the event is launched, use the event page to add yourself as a student in the launched event `Piscine-test`
- You can now try the exercise. If everything is well set, the subject should be loaded and, when you submit a correct solution, the exercise should pass.