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## tuples
### Instructions
- Define a tuple structure to represent a student.
- Each student is identified by an id number of type i32, his/her name and his/her last name as a string Print the content of the tuple to stdout
- Then define three functions to return the id, first name and last name.
### Expected Functions
pub fn id(student: &Student) -> i32 {
pub fn first_name(student: &Student) -> String {
pub fn last_name(student: &Student) -> String {
### Usage
Here is a program to test you're functions
use tuples::*;
fn main() {
let student = Student(20, "Pedro".to_string(), "Domingos".to_string());
println!("Student: {:?}", student);
println!("Student first name: {}", first_name(&student));
println!("Student last name: {}", last_name(&student));
println!("Student Id: {}", id(&student));
And its output:
student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ cargo run
Student: Student(20, "Pedro", "Domingos")
Student first name: Pedro
Student last name: Domingos
Student Id: 20