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## Change struct
### Instructions
You need to rearrange the file structure that you created earlier in the "file-struct" exercise.
Use the correct commands to create the following file structure:
- Copy the `struct` repo that you created and change its name to `new_struct`.
- Create the `0_to_3` and `6_to_9` folders.
- Move the folder `0, 1, 2 and 3` inside the `0_to_3` folder.
- Move the folder `6, 7, 8 and 9` inside the `6_to_9` folder.
- Remove the folder `5`.
- Rename the folder `10`, to `new_folder`
- Copy the folder `1` inside the folder `8`
In this exercise you wil use the command `tree` to see the file structure as in the example bellow. `tree` is a recursive directory listing program that produces a depth-indented listing of files. With no arguments, `tree` lists the files in the current directory.
User-> tree new-struct/
├── 0_to_3
   ├── 0
   ├── 1
   ├── 2
   └── 3
   └── text.txt
├── 4
   └── text2.txt
├── 6_to_9
   ├── 6
   ├── 7
   ├── 8
   └── 9
└── A
└── text3.txt
Once it is done, use the command below to create the file `done.tar` to be submitted.
$ tar -cf done.tar *
$ ls new-struct/
0_to_3 4 6_to_9 A done.tar
**Only `done.tar` should be submitted.**
### Hints
Here is an example of how to move, rename, copy and delete a file or repo:
cp `file to copy` `path of destination`
cp -r `repo to copy` `path of destination`
**_Move or Rename_**
$ mv `file to move` `path of destination`
$ mv -r `repo to move` `path of destination`
$ ls
text.txt old_repo
$ mv text.txt new_text.txt
$ mv old_repo new_repo
$ ls
new_text.txt old_repo
$ rm `file to remove`
$ rm -r `repo to remove`
> You have to use Man or Google to know more about commands flags, in order to solve this exercise!
> Google and Man will be your friends!