#### Functional
###### Has the requirement for the allowed packages been respected? (Reminder for this project: (only [standard packages](https://golang.org/pkg/)
###### Is the data from the artists being used?
###### Is data from the relations being used?
##### Try to see the "members" for the artist/band `"Queen"`
"Freddie Mercury",
"Brian May",
"John Daecon",
"Roger Meddows-Taylor",
"Mike Grose",
"Barry Mitchell",
"Doug Fogie"
###### Does it present the right "member", as above?
##### Try to see the "firstAlbum" for the artist/band `"Gorillaz"`
###### Does it present the right date for the "firstAlbum", as above?
##### Try to see the "locations" for the artist/band `"Travis Scott"`
###### Does it present the right "locations" as above?
##### Try to see the ""members"" for the artist/band `"Foo Fighters"`.
"Dave Grohl"
"Nate Mendel"
"Taylor Hawkins"
"Chris Shiflett"
"Pat Smear"
"Rami Jaffee"
###### Does it present the right members as above?
##### Try to trigger an event using some kind of action (ex: Clicking the mouse over a certain element, pressing a key on the keyboard, resizing or closing the browser window, a form being submitted, an error occurring, etc).
###### Does the event responds as expected?
###### Did the server crashed?
###### Does the server use the right [HTTP method](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods)?
###### Has the website runned without crashing at anytime?
###### Are all the pages working? (Absence of 404 page?)
###### Does the project avoid [HTTP status 400](https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/400-bad-request/#causes)?
###### Does the project avoid [HTTP status 500](https://www.restapitutorial.com/httpstatuscodes.html)?
###### Is the communication between server and client well established?
###### Does the server present all the needed handlers and patterns for the http requests?
#### General
###### +Does the event system run as asynchronous? (usage of go routines and channels)
###### +Is the site hosted or deployed? Can you access the website through a DNS (Domain Name System)?
#### Basic
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/good-practices.en)?
###### +Is there a test file for this code?
#### Social
###### +Did you learn anything from this project?
###### +Can it be open-sourced / be used for other sources?
###### +Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?