## groupie-tracker-search-bar
### Objectives
You must follow the same [principles ](https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/groupie-tracker/ ) as the first subject.
Groupie-tracker-search-bar consists of creating a functional program that searches, inside your website, for a specific input text.
- The program should handle at least these search cases :
- artist/band name
- members
- locations
- first album date
- creation date
- The program must handle case sensitive.
- The search bar must have typing suggestions as you write.
- The search bar must identify and display in each suggestion the individual type of the search cases. (ex: Freddie Mercury -> member)
- For example if you start writing `"phil"` it should appear as suggestions `Phil Collins - member` and `Phil Collins - artist/band` . This is just an example of a display.
This project will help you learn about :
- Manipulation, display and storage of data.
- [Events ](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Building_blocks/ ) creation and display.
- JSON files and format.
### Instructions
- The program must be written in **Go** .
- The code must respect the [**good practices** ](https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/good-practices/ ).
### Allowed packages
- Only the [standard go ](https://golang.org/pkg/ ) packages are allowed