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## Factory
### Instructions
Now let's implement the Factory Design Pattern
class Driver {
+createTransport()* Transport
class CarDriver {
+createTransport() Transport
class PlaneDriver {
+createTransport() Transport
class Transport {
+getDistance()* int
class Car {
+getDistance() int
class Plane {
+getDistance() int
class DriverFactory {
+ getDriver(Type: String) Driver
class TransportFactory {
+ getTransport(Type: String) int
Driver <|-- CarDriver
Driver <|-- PlaneDriver
Transport <|-- Car
Transport <|-- Plane
Here is the matching class diagram. Create the matching classes in the matching files.
The method createTransport of CarDriver should build and return a Car using TransportFactory, and for the PlaneDriver class, it should build and return a Plane.
The car should return 600 and the plane should return 10000.
### Usage
Here is a possible to test your function :
public class ExerciseRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
and its output :
$ javac *.java -d build
$ java -cp build ExerciseRunner
### Notions
[Class diagram](