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// /*/ // ⚡
export const tests = []
const t = (f) => tests.push(f)
//// RACE
t(async ({ eq, wait }) => {
// empty array should never resolve, just hang, forever...
let notCalled = true
race([]).then(() => (notCalled = false))
await wait(5)
return eq(notCalled, true)
t(async ({ eq, wait }) =>
// it should return the first value to resolve
eq(await race([Promise.resolve(2), wait(5).then(() => 5)]), 2)
t(async ({ eq, wait }) => {
// it should not wait for every results to wait
const start =
const result = await race([Promise.resolve(2), wait(50)])
if ( - start > 5) throw Error("that's too long !")
return eq(result, 2)
t(async ({ eq, wait }) =>
// it should fail if the first promise reject
await race([wait(5), Promise.reject(Error('oops'))]).catch(
(err) => err.message
t(async ({ eq, wait, ctx }) =>
// it should not fail if the first promise did not reject
await race([
wait(5).then(() => Promise.reject(Error('oops'))),
]).catch((err) => err.message),
//// SOME
t(async ({ eq }) =>
// empty array returns an empty array
eq(await some([], 10), [])
t(async ({ eq }) =>
// a count of less than 1 also returns an empty array
eq(await some([1, 2, 3], 0), [])
t(async ({ eq, wait }) =>
// it should return the first value to resolve
eq(await some([Promise.resolve(2), wait(5).then(() => 5)], 1), [2])
t(async ({ eq, wait }) => {
// it should not wait for every results to wait, the order should be preserved.
const start =
const result = await some([wait(1), wait(50), Promise.resolve(5)], 2)
if ( - start > 5) throw Error("that's too long !")
return eq(result, [undefined, 5])
export const setup = Math.random