> * All the attributes filled in the object are used as values by default for event's creation; it can be overloaded for each event related to the reference object.
> * If the reference object has a child or children which are events itself, settings are also required for each event child.
* Add a new key **capacity** of type `Number` with the maximum number of persons you want for events related to the object by default
* Add a new key **eventDuration** of type `Number` with the duration in minutes you want for events related to the object by default
* Add a new key **registrationDuration** of type `Number` with the duration in minutes you want to allow to people to register to the event by default
* Add a new key **eventStartDelay** of type `Number`, if you want a default delay between the end of registration and the beginning of the event. This duration is expressed in minutes.
* Add a new key **description** of type `String`, if you need to associate some informations to your event (description, location, access, documents to provide, etc.)
* Add a new key **startAfter** of type `Number`, with the default delay you want between the beginning of the event and the beginning of the child event. This duration is expressed in minutes.
Here is an example of the `Piscine Go` settings. It presents the settings of the object attributes `Piscine Go`, the settings of one of its child which is an event and the settings of the child object attributes itself.
* During the regitration, the capacity doesn't apply. When registration ends, we register the amount defined by the **capacity** to the event *(ordered by registration date)*.
* End of registration can't be after start of registration.
* Dates can't be updated after it's passed.
* The **registration duration** indicated in the **reference object** is reminded under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
* If it exists, the recommended **delay betaween end of registration and start of event** indicated in the **reference object** is reminded under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
* The list of users who wants to participate to the event and asked for registration is accessible by clicking on the link 'N users registered', at the left bottom of this categrory.
* The **end of event** is calculated by default by adding the **event duration** indicated in the **reference object** to the **start of event** date.
* If the event has children which are events itself, the **end of event** can't be before the end of the last child event.
* The **event duration** indicated in the **reference object** is reminded under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
* If the event has children which are events itself, the **minimum end of event** is indicated under the inputs to help you fill the informations.
* The list of users actualy registered to the event at its creation is accessible by clicking on the link 'N users registered', at the left bottom of this categrory.