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## shopping_mall
### Instructions
Using the `mall` module provided, create the following **functions** to help run a shopping mall:
- `biggest_store`: receives a `Mall` and returns the `Store` with the biggest `square_meters`.
- `highest_paid_employee`: receives a `Mall` and returns a vector containing the `Employee`(s) with the highest salary.
- `nbr_of_employees`: receives a `Mall` and returns the number of employees and guards as a `usize`.
- `fire_old_securities`: receives a `Mall` and removes from the `Mall.guards` all guards who are 50 years old or over.
- `check_for_securities`: receives a `Mall` and a vector of `Guard`. If there is not at least 1 guard for every 200 square meters of floor size, a guard should be added to the `Mall.guards`.
- `cut_or_raise`: receives a `Mall`. For each employee, the salary will be raised by 10% if they work more than 10 hours, else their salary will be decreased by 10%. You can consider that guards are not employees of the mall.
### Expected Function
> You'll need to work out the function signatures for yourself.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Mall {
pub name: String,
pub guards: Vec<guard::Guard>,
pub floors: Vec<floor::Floor>,
impl Mall {
pub fn new(name: &str, guards: Vec<guard::Guard>, floors: Vec<floor::Floor>) -> Mall {
Mall {
name: name.to_string(),
guards: guards,
floors: floors,
pub fn change_name(&mut self, new_name: &str) { = new_name.to_string();
pub fn hire_guard(&mut self, guard: guard::Guard) {
pub fn fire_guard(&mut self, name: String) {
self.guards.retain(|x| != name);
pub mod guard {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Guard {
pub name: String,
pub age: u8,
pub years_experience: u8,
impl Guard {
pub fn new(name: &str, age: u8, years_experience: u8) -> Guard {
Guard {
name: name.to_string(),
age: age,
years_experience: years_experience,
pub mod floor {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Floor {
pub name: String,
pub stores: Vec<store::Store>,
pub size_limit: u64,
impl Floor {
pub fn new(name: &str, stores: Vec<store::Store>, store_limit: u64) -> Floor {
Floor {
name: name.to_string(),
stores: stores,
size_limit: store_limit,
pub fn change_store(&mut self, store: &str, new_store: store::Store) {
let pos = self.stores.iter().position(|x| == store).unwrap();
self.stores[pos] = new_store;
pub fn add_store(&mut self, new_store: store::Store) {
let mut current_floor_size = 0;
for store in self.stores.iter() {
current_floor_size += store.square_meters;
if self.size_limit < current_floor_size + new_store.square_meters {
pub fn remove_store(&mut self, store_name: String) {
self.stores.retain(|x| != store_name);
pub mod store {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Store {
pub name: String,
pub square_meters: u64,
pub employees: Vec<employee::Employee>,
impl Store {
pub fn new(name: &str, space: u64, employees: Vec<employee::Employee>) -> Store {
Store {
name: name.to_string(),
square_meters: space,
employees: employees,
pub fn hire_employee(&mut self, employee: employee::Employee) {
pub fn fire_employee(&mut self, employee_name: &str) {
self.employees.retain(|x| != employee_name);
pub fn expand(&mut self, square_meters: u64) {
self.square_meters += square_meters;
pub mod employee {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Employee {
pub name: String,
pub age: u8,
pub working_hours: (u8, u8),
pub salary: f64,
impl Employee {
pub fn new(
name: &str,
age: u8,
entry_hour: u8,
exit_hour: u8,
salary: f64,
) -> Employee {
Employee {
name: name.to_string(),
age: age,
working_hours: (entry_hour, exit_hour),
salary: salary,
pub fn birthday(&mut self) {
self.age += 1;
pub fn change_workload(&mut self, entry_hour: u8, exit_hour: u8) {
self.working_hours = (entry_hour, exit_hour);
pub fn raise(&mut self, amount: f64) {
self.salary += amount;
pub fn cut(&mut self, amount: f64) {
self.salary = self.salary - amount;
### Usage
Here is a program to test your function:
use shopping_mall::*;
fn main() {
let secs = vec![
mall::guard::Guard::new("John Oliver", 34, 7),
mall::guard::Guard::new("Logan West", 23, 2),
mall::guard::Guard::new("Bob Schumacher", 53, 15),
let footzo_emp = vec![
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Finbar Haines", 36, 9, 14, 650.88),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Roksanna Rocha", 45, 13, 22, 772.00),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Sienna-Rose Penn", 26, 9, 22, 1000.43),
let swashion_emp = vec![
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Abdallah Stafford", 54, 8, 22, 1234.21),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Marian Snyder", 21, 8, 14, 831.90),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Amanda Mclean", 29, 13, 22, 1222.12),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Faizaan Castro", 32, 11, 18, 1106.43),
let pizbite_emp = vec![
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Juniper Cannon", 21, 16, 23, 804.35),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Alena Simon", 28, 9, 15, 973.54),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Yasemin Collins", 29, 9, 19, 986.33),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Areeb Roberson", 54, 9, 22, 957.82),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Rocco Amin", 44, 13, 23, 689.21),
let grill_emp = vec![
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Rhian Crowther", 45, 9, 15, 841.18),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Nikkita Steadman", 52, 14, 22, 858.61),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Reginald Poole", 32, 9, 22, 1197.64),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Minnie Bull", 54, 14, 22, 1229.73),
let sumo_emp = vec![
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Chantelle Barajas", 20, 8, 22, 969.22),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Hywel Rudd", 49, 12, 22, 695.74),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Marianne Beasley", 55, 8, 14, 767.83),
let supermaket_emp = vec![
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Amara Schaefer", 23, 9, 14, 796.21),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Yara Wickens", 39, 9, 14, 853.42),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Tomi Boyer", 64, 9, 14, 881.83),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Greta Dickson", 42, 9, 14, 775.10),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Caroline Finnegan", 41, 9, 14, 702.92),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Indiana Baxter", 33, 13, 20, 991.71),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Jadine Page", 48, 13, 20, 743.21),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Husna Ryan", 43, 13, 20, 655.75),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Tyler Hunt", 63, 13, 20, 668.25),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Dahlia Caldwell", 56, 13, 20, 781.38),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Chandler Mansell", 20, 19, 24, 656.75),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Mohsin Mcgee", 30, 19, 24, 703.83),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Antoine Goulding", 45, 19, 24, 697.12),
mall::floor::store::employee::Employee::new("Mark Barnard", 53, 19, 24, 788.81),
let ground_stores = vec![
store::Store::new("Footzo", 50, footzo_emp),
store::Store::new("Swashion", 43, swashion_emp),
let food_stores = vec![
store::Store::new("PizBite", 60, pizbite_emp),
store::Store::new("Chillout Grill", 50, grill_emp),
store::Store::new("Sumo Food", 30, sumo_emp),
let supermarket = vec![store::Store::new("Pretail", 950, supermaket_emp)];
let floors = vec![
floor::Floor::new("Ground Floor", ground_stores, 300),
floor::Floor::new("Food Floor", food_stores, 500),
floor::Floor::new("Supermarket", supermarket, 1000),
let mut mall_la_vie = mall::Mall::new("La Vie Funchal", secs, floors);
println!("{:?}", &mall_la_vie);
//returns the biggest store
//returns the list with the highest paid employees
println!("{:?}", highest_paid_employee(mall_la_vie.clone()));
//returns the number of employees
println!("{:?}", nbr_of_employees(mall_la_vie.clone()));
//fires old securities
fire_old_securities(&mut mall_la_vie);
//checks if it is needed to add securities
&mut mall_la_vie,
mall::guard::Guard::new("Peter Solomons", 45, 20),
mall::guard::Guard::new("William Charles", 32, 10),
mall::guard::Guard::new("Leonardo Changretta", 23, 0),
mall::guard::Guard::new("Vlad Levi", 38, 8),
mall::guard::Guard::new("Faruk Berkai", 40, 15),
mall::guard::Guard::new("Chritopher Smith", 35, 9),
mall::guard::Guard::new("Jason Mackie", 26, 2),
mall::guard::Guard::new("Kenzie Mair", 34, 8),
mall::guard::Guard::new("Bentley Larson", 33, 10),
mall::guard::Guard::new("Ray Storey", 37, 12),
//raises or cuts the salary of every employee
cut_or_raise(&mut mall_la_vie);
println!("{:?}", &mall_la_vie);
And its ouput:
$ cargo run
Mall { name: "La Vie Funchal", guards: [Guard { name: "John Oliver", age: 34, years_experience: 7 }, Guard { name: "Logan West", age: 23, years_experience: 2 }, Guard { name: "Bob Schumacher", age: 53, years_experience: 15 }], floors: [Floor { name: "Ground Floor", stores: [Store { name: "Footzo", square_meters: 50, employees: [Employee { name: "Finbar Haines", age: 36, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 650.88 }, Employee { name: "Roksanna Rocha", age: 45, working_hours: (13, 22), salary: 772.0 }, Employee { name: "Sienna-Rose Penn", age: 26, working_hours: (9, 22), salary: 1000.43 }] }, Store { name: "Swashion", square_meters: 43, employees: [Employee { name: "Abdallah Stafford", age: 54, working_hours: (8, 22), salary: 1234.21 }, Employee { name: "Marian Snyder", age: 21, working_hours: (8, 14), salary: 831.9 }, Employee { name: "Amanda Mclean", age: 29, working_hours: (13, 22), salary: 1222.12 }, Employee { name: "Faizaan Castro", age: 32, working_hours: (11, 18), salary: 1106.43 }] }], size_limit: 300 }, Floor { name: "Food Floor", stores: [Store { name: "PizBite", square_meters: 60, employees: [Employee { name: "Juniper Cannon", age: 21, working_hours: (16, 23), salary: 804.35 }, Employee { name: "Alena Simon", age: 28, working_hours: (9, 15), salary: 973.54 }, Employee { name: "Yasemin Collins", age: 29, working_hours: (9, 19), salary: 986.33 }, Employee { name: "Areeb Roberson", age: 54, working_hours: (9, 22), salary: 957.82 }, Employee { name: "Rocco Amin", age: 44, working_hours: (13, 23), salary: 689.21 }] }, Store { name: "Chillout Grill", square_meters: 50, employees: [Employee { name: "Rhian Crowther", age: 45, working_hours: (9, 15), salary: 841.18 }, Employee { name: "Nikkita Steadman", age: 52, working_hours: (14, 22), salary: 858.61 }, Employee { name: "Reginald Poole", age: 32, working_hours: (9, 22), salary: 1197.64 }, Employee { name: "Minnie Bull", age: 54, working_hours: (14, 22), salary: 1229.73 }] }, Store { name: "Sumo Food", square_meters: 30, employees: [Employee { name: "Chantelle Barajas", age: 20, working_hours: (8, 22), salary: 969.22 }, Employee { name: "Hywel Rudd", age: 49, working_hours: (12, 22), salary: 695.74 }, Employee { name: "Marianne Beasley", age: 55, working_hours: (8, 14), salary: 767.83 }] }], size_limit: 500 }, Floor { name: "Supermarket", stores: [Store { name: "Pretail", square_meters: 950, employees: [Employee { name: "Amara Schaefer", age: 23, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 796.21 }, Employee { name: "Yara Wickens", age: 39, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 853.42 }, Employee { name: "Tomi Boyer", age: 64, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 881.83 }, Employee { name: "Greta Dickson", age: 42, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 775.1 }, Employee { name: "Caroline Finnegan", age: 41, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 702.92 }, Employee { name: "Indiana Baxter", age: 33, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 991.71 }, Employee { name: "Jadine Page", age: 48, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 743.21 }, Employee { name: "Husna Ryan", age: 43, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 655.75 }, Employee { name: "Tyler Hunt", age: 63, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 668.25 }, Employee { name: "Dahlia Caldwell", age: 56, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 781.38 }, Employee { name: "Chandler Mansell", age: 20, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 656.75 }, Employee { name: "Mohsin Mcgee", age: 30, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 703.83 }, Employee { name: "Antoine Goulding", age: 45, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 697.12 }, Employee { name: "Mark Barnard", age: 53, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 788.81 }] }], size_limit: 1000 }] }
Store { name: "Pretail", square_meters: 950, employees: [Employee { name: "Amara Schaefer", age: 23, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 796.21 }, Employee { name: "Yara Wickens", age: 39, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 853.42 }, Employee { name: "Tomi Boyer", age: 64, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 881.83 }, Employee { name: "Greta Dickson", age: 42, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 775.1 }, Employee { name: "Caroline Finnegan", age: 41, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 702.92 }, Employee { name: "Indiana Baxter", age: 33, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 991.71 }, Employee { name: "Jadine Page", age: 48, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 743.21 }, Employee { name: "Husna Ryan", age: 43, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 655.75 }, Employee { name: "Tyler Hunt", age: 63, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 668.25 }, Employee { name: "Dahlia Caldwell", age: 56, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 781.38 }, Employee { name: "Chandler Mansell", age: 20, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 656.75 }, Employee { name: "Mohsin Mcgee", age: 30, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 703.83 }, Employee { name: "Antoine Goulding", age: 45, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 697.12 }, Employee { name: "Mark Barnard", age: 53, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 788.81 }] }
[Employee { name: "Abdallah Stafford", age: 54, working_hours: (8, 22), salary: 1234.21 }]
Mall { name: "La Vie Funchal", guards: [Guard { name: "John Oliver", age: 34, years_experience: 7 }, Guard { name: "Logan West", age: 23, years_experience: 2 }, Guard { name: "Peter Solomons", age: 45, years_experience: 20 }, Guard { name: "William Charles", age: 32, years_experience: 10 }, Guard { name: "Leonardo Changretta", age: 23, years_experience: 0 }, Guard { name: "Vlad Levi", age: 38, years_experience: 8 }, Guard { name: "Faruk Berkai", age: 40, years_experience: 15 }, Guard { name: "Chritopher Smith", age: 35, years_experience: 9 }, Guard { name: "Jason Mackie", age: 26, years_experience: 2 }], floors: [Floor { name: "Ground Floor", stores: [Store { name: "Footzo", square_meters: 50, employees: [Employee { name: "Finbar Haines", age: 36, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 585.792 }, Employee { name: "Roksanna Rocha", age: 45, working_hours: (13, 22), salary: 694.8 }, Employee { name: "Sienna-Rose Penn", age: 26, working_hours: (9, 22), salary: 1100.473 }] }, Store { name: "Swashion", square_meters: 43, employees: [Employee { name: "Abdallah Stafford", age: 54, working_hours: (8, 22), salary: 1357.631 }, Employee { name: "Marian Snyder", age: 21, working_hours: (8, 14), salary: 748.71 }, Employee { name: "Amanda Mclean", age: 29, working_hours: (13, 22), salary: 1099.908 }, Employee { name: "Faizaan Castro", age: 32, working_hours: (11, 18), salary: 995.787 }] }], size_limit: 300 }, Floor { name: "Food Floor", stores: [Store { name: "PizBite", square_meters: 60, employees: [Employee { name: "Juniper Cannon", age: 21, working_hours: (16, 23), salary: 723.915 }, Employee { name: "Alena Simon", age: 28, working_hours: (9, 15), salary: 876.1859999999999 }, Employee { name: "Yasemin Collins", age: 29, working_hours: (9, 19), salary: 1084.963 }, Employee { name: "Areeb Roberson", age: 54, working_hours: (9, 22), salary: 1053.602 }, Employee { name: "Rocco Amin", age: 44, working_hours: (13, 23), salary: 758.1310000000001 }] }, Store { name: "Chillout Grill", square_meters: 50, employees: [Employee { name: "Rhian Crowther", age: 45, working_hours: (9, 15), salary: 757.0619999999999 }, Employee { name: "Nikkita Steadman", age: 52, working_hours: (14, 22), salary: 772.749 }, Employee { name: "Reginald Poole", age: 32, working_hours: (9, 22), salary: 1317.404 }, Employee { name: "Minnie Bull", age: 54, working_hours: (14, 22), salary: 1106.757 }] }, Store { name: "Sumo Food", square_meters: 30, employees: [Employee { name: "Chantelle Barajas", age: 20, working_hours: (8, 22), salary: 1066.142 }, Employee { name: "Hywel Rudd", age: 49, working_hours: (12, 22), salary: 765.314 }, Employee { name: "Marianne Beasley", age: 55, working_hours: (8, 14), salary: 691.047 }] }], size_limit: 500 }, Floor { name: "Supermarket", stores: [Store { name: "Pretail", square_meters: 950, employees: [Employee { name: "Amara Schaefer", age: 23, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 716.589 }, Employee { name: "Yara Wickens", age: 39, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 768.078 }, Employee { name: "Tomi Boyer", age: 64, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 793.647 }, Employee { name: "Greta Dickson", age: 42, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 697.59 }, Employee { name: "Caroline Finnegan", age: 41, working_hours: (9, 14), salary: 632.6279999999999 }, Employee { name: "Indiana Baxter", age: 33, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 892.539 }, Employee { name: "Jadine Page", age: 48, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 668.889 }, Employee { name: "Husna Ryan", age: 43, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 590.175 }, Employee { name: "Tyler Hunt", age: 63, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 601.425 }, Employee { name: "Dahlia Caldwell", age: 56, working_hours: (13, 20), salary: 703.242 }, Employee { name: "Chandler Mansell", age: 20, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 591.075 }, Employee { name: "Mohsin Mcgee", age: 30, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 633.447 }, Employee { name: "Antoine Goulding", age: 45, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 627.408 }, Employee { name: "Mark Barnard", age: 53, working_hours: (19, 24), salary: 709.929 }] }], size_limit: 1000 }] }