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package main
type tetrimino [4][]byte
var validUint16Map = map[uint16]bool{
0x8888: true, 0xf000: true, // I
0xcc00: true, // O
0xe400: true, 0x4c40: true, 0x4e00: true, 0x8c80: true, // T
0x88c0: true, 0xe800: true, 0xc440: true, 0x2e00: true, // L
0x44c0: true, 0x8e00: true, 0xc880: true, 0xe200: true, // J
0x6c00: true, 0x8c40: true, // S
0xc600: true, 0x4c80: true, // Z
func (t tetrimino) isEmptyRow(row int) bool {
result := true
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
result = result && t[row][i] == dot
return result
func (t tetrimino) isEmptyColumn(column int) bool {
result := true
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
result = result && t[i][column] == dot
return result
func (t tetrimino) toUint16() uint16 {
var result uint16
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 4; j++ {
result <<= 1
if t[i][j] == hashTag {
result |= 1
return result
func (t tetrimino) isValid() bool {
return validUint16Map[t.toUint16()]
func blockToTetrimino(b []byte) tetrimino {
in := tetrimino{b[0:4], b[5:9], b[10:14], b[15:19]}
out := tetrimino{
{dot, dot, dot, dot},
{dot, dot, dot, dot},
{dot, dot, dot, dot},
{dot, dot, dot, dot},
y, x := 0, 0
for in.isEmptyRow(y) {
for in.isEmptyColumn(x) {
for i := 0; i+y < 4; i++ {
for j := 0; j+x < 4; j++ {
out[i][j] = in[i+y][j+x]
return out