- for the CSS files: when you have to link one, you can manage it as you prefer, but for clarity we suggest you to create a CSS file for each HTML file, named like so: `name-of-the-exercise.css`
- for the JS files, when you have to link one, you can manage it as you prefer, but for clarity we suggest you to create a JS file for each HTML file, named like so: `name-of-the-exercise.js`
Those videos are accompanying you step by step in each exercise, but if you want to check right away all the notions covered in the quest, you can watch the whole playlist [Web - HTML, CSS & DOM JS](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHyAJ_GrRtf979iZZ1N3qYMfsPj9PCCrF).
To create any project, some things need to be declared in the HTML file - those are not visible elements in your page, but things cannot work without them.
Set your page with [`<html>`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/html) & [`<head>`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/head) tags, and also put a [`<title>`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/title) to name the entity you're going to create.
Now you have to define the skeleton of your future creation.
Remember this as a general rule for any further project you will start: a good way of setting up a project is to think about all the elements needed, organize and divide them in blocks.
Let's define the first level of elements that your entity will be made of ; we're going to split it into 3 main chunks: the face, the upper body, and the lower body.
Inside the `<body>` tag of your HTML file, create 3 divisions using `<section>` tags, putting the following text content inside for each: `face`, `upper-body`, `lower-body`.