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#### Functional
##### Verify that the necessary tables, fields, relations are added.
###### Has the database design been correctly implemented?
###### Have the students added new relationships and have they used them correctly?
###### Did the students convince you with their additions to the database?
##### Review the project repository to check for PRs and code reviews.
###### Are developers following a collaborative development process with PRs and code reviews?
##### Check the implementation of Orders MicroService, User Profile, Search and Filtering, and Shopping Cart functionalities.
###### Are the implemented functionalities consistent with the project instructions?
###### Are the implemented functionalities clean and do they not pop up any errors or warnings in both back and front end?
##### Add products to the shopping cart and refresh the page.
###### Are the added products still in the shopping cart with the selected quantities?
##### Utilize SonarQube to assess code quality and check for improvements based on SonarQube feedback.
###### Are code quality issues identified by SonarQube being addressed and fixed?
##### Review the user interface to ensure it's user-friendly and responsive.
###### Does the application provide a seamless and responsive user experience?
##### Check if proper error handling and validation mechanisms are in place.
###### Are user interactions handled gracefully with appropriate error messages?
##### Verify the implementation of security measures as specified in the project instructions.
###### Are security measures consistently applied throughout the application?
### Collaboration and Development Process
##### Check the repository's PR history and comments to ensure code reviews are conducted.
###### Are code reviews being performed for each PR?
##### Inspect the CI/CD pipeline configuration with Jenkins to ensure automated builds, tests, and deployments.
###### Is the CI/CD pipeline correctly set up and being utilized for PRs?
##### Examine the repository log and PR merges to ensure that branches are being merged as instructed.
###### Are branches merged correctly, and is the main codebase up-to-date?
##### Run a full test of the application to assess functionality and identify any issues.
###### Does the application pass a comprehensive test to ensure that all new features work as expected?
##### Inspect the codebase for unit tests related to different parts of the application.
###### Are there unit tests in place for critical parts of the application?
#### Bonus
##### Verify if the wishlist feature, if implemented, functions correctly.
###### Is the wishlist feature functioning as expected?
##### Check if different payment methods, if implemented, work as intended.
###### Are the implemented payment methods functioning correctly?