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"description": "battleCry is a defined and is a function",
"code": "if (typeof battleCry === 'undefined') {\n throw Error(\n `You didn't even define the function battleCry... make it better! reread the lesson...`,\n )\n}\n\nif (typeof battleCry != 'function') {\n throw Error('battleCry must be a function')\n}"
"description": "secretOrders is a defined and is a function",
"code": "if (typeof secretOrders === 'undefined') {\n throw Error(\n `You didn't even define the function secretOrders... make it better! reread the lesson...`,\n )\n}\n\nif (typeof secretOrders != 'function') {\n throw Error('secretOrders must be a function')\n}"
"description": "battleCry has one and only one argument",
"code": "if (battleCry.length != 1) {\n throw Error('You must use 1 argument for this function, and only one!')\n}"
"description": "secretOrders has one and only one argument",
"code": "if (secretOrders.length != 1) {\n throw Error('You must use 1 argument for this function, and only one!')\n}"
"description": "battleCry shouts properly",
"code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\nlet orders = {\n shouted: ['attack!', 'you shall not pass!', 'for the horde!'],\n secrets: ['ExEcutE Order 66', 'SILENCE', 'This Is The WAY'],\n}\n\n// Your code\n\ => battleCry(el))\n\nconst loggedValues = args.flat().join(' ')\nif (!loggedValues.includes('ATTACK!')) {\n throw Error(`battleCry('attack!') is not SHOUTING: ATTACK!`)\n}\nif (!loggedValues.includes('YOU SHALL NOT PASS!')) {\n throw Error(\n `battleCry(you shall not pass!) is not SHOUTING: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!`,\n )\n}\nif (!loggedValues.includes('FOR THE HORDE!')) {\n throw Error(`battleCry('for the horde!') is not SHOUTING: FOR THE HORDE!`)\n}"
"description": "secretOrders whispers properly",
"code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\nlet orders = {\n shouted: ['attack!', 'you shall not pass!', 'for the horde!'],\n secrets: ['ExEcutE Order 66', 'SILENCE', 'This Is The WAY'],\n}\n\n// Your code\n\ => secretOrders(el))\n\nconst loggedValues = args.flat().join(' ')\nif (!loggedValues.includes('execute order 66')) {\n throw Error(\n `secretOrders('ExEcutE Order 66') is not whispering: execute order 66 `,\n )\n}\nif (!loggedValues.includes('silence')) {\n throw Error(`secretOrders('SILENCE') is not whispering: silence `)\n}\nif (!loggedValues.includes('this is the way')) {\n throw Error(\n `secretOrders('This Is The WAY') is not whispering: this is the way `,\n )\n}"