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## own_and_return
### Instructions
Create a struct `Film` that has one field `name` of type `String`.
Create the following two functions:
- Create a function `take_film_name`, it will return the name and consume the film (you should not be able to reuse it after you passed it to the function).
- Create a function `read_film_name`, it will return the name without consuming the film (you can call the function multiple times with the same argument).
### Expected functions
pub struct Film {
pub name: String,
pub fn read_film_name(/* to be implemented */) -> String {
pub fn take_film_name(/* to be implemented */) -> String {
### Usage
Here is a possible program to test your function:
use own_and_return::*;
pub struct Film {
pub name: String,
fn main() {
let my_film = Film { name: "Terminator".toString() };
println!("{}", take_film_name(/* to be implemented */));
// the order of the print statements is intentional, if your implementation is correct, you should have a compile error because my_film was consumed
println!("{}", read_film_name(/* to be implemented */));
println!("{}", take_film_name(/*to be implemented*/))
// you can test this function by commenting out the first print statement, you should see the expected output without errors in this case
And its output:
$ cargo run