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## Read a Secret (Optional)
### Instructions
Create a web page, `read-secret.html` that loads an ethereum library, connects to ethereum testnet `Sepolia` and displays a secret contained in a smart contract.
The smart contract is available at the address `0x467782A5ab90af6baA6f8af0b4E69A7Ddb197fF0` on Sepolia testnet. It contains one function `getSecret()` that returns a string.
You might use the following interface :
const abi = ['function getSecret() view returns (string)']
As the test does not reach the internet:
- Store in a hardcoded manner the result in an element with `storedSecret` as id.
- Detect when internet is not available and skip the connection to the provider.
### Notions
- [ethers contract](
- [Infura](
- [Alchemy](
- [web3](
### Relevance
Reading your first smart contract.