#### Functional
##### clone this repo : https://github.com/01-edu/tronAis
##### copy the **GITHUB_LOGIN**.js of the audited inside the /ai folder
##### as such /ai/**GITHUB_LOGIN**.js
##### run this command
http-server tronAis/
if http-server is not installed do this command:
npm install -g http-server
##### go the link created by the http-server, open the inspector and **disable the cache**
##### modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **Frenchris-right-basic**
###### Does the AI crash because of too much usage of CPU?
###### Did the audited Ai won against the Frenchris-right-basic Ai?
##### modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **Frenchris-right**
###### Did the audited Ai won against the Frenchris-right Ai?
##### modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **Frenchris-snail-basic**
###### Did the audited Ai won against the Frenchris-snail-basic Ai?
##### modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **Frenchris-snail**
###### Did the audited Ai won against the Frenchris-snail Ai?
##### modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **AI5**
###### Did the audited Ai won against the AI5 Ai?
##### modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **AI6**
###### Did the audited Ai won against the AI6 Ai?
##### modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **AIBestPath**
###### Did the audited Ai won against the AIBestPath Ai?
##### modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **kill**
###### Did the audited Ai won against the kill Ai?
#### Bonus
##### modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### and **hardAI**
###### +Did the audited Ai won against the hardAI Ai?
###### +Does the code avoid deep nesting?