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## set-env-vars
### Instructions
2 years ago
Create a script ``, which will allow you to set the following variables as environment variables and print only the ones you created:
- `MY_MESSAGE` which contains the string `"Hello World"`.
- `MY_NUM` which contains the number `100`.
- `MY_PI` which contains the number `3.142`.
Expected output:
$ printenv # The env variables present are just an example, yours will be different.
$ ./
MY_MESSAGE=Hello World
### Hints
Setting values to environment variables:
In order to set a value to an existing environment variable, we use an assignment expression. For instance, to set the value of the "LANG" variable to "he_IL.UTF-8", we use the following command:
$ LANG=he_IL.UTF-8
If we use an assignment expression for a variable that doesn't exist, the shell will create a shell variable, which is similar to an environment variable but does not influence the behavior of other applications.
A shell variable can be exported to become an environment variable with the export command. To create the "EDITOR" environment variable and assign the value "nano" to it, you can do:
$ EDITOR=nano
$export EDITOR
`echo` is not allowed in the exercise! Try to use the command `printenv` and filter with `grep` to get only the variables that you created.
> You have to use Man or Google to know more about commands flags, in order to solve this exercise!
> Google and Man will be your friends!