## Gossip grid
### Instructions
Good information is the pillar of society, that's why you've decided to dedicate your time to reveal the powerful truth to the world and deliver essential and strong news: you're launching a gossip grid.
Create the function `grid` which displays all the `gossips` , provided in the data file below, as cards on a grid (in the same order).
They must be `div` with the `gossip` class.
The first `gossip` card must be a `form` with a `textarea` and a submit button with the text `Share gossip!` that allows to add a new gossip to the list.
Create 3 `type="range"` inputs with the class `range` , all wrapped in a `div` with the class `ranges` :
- one with `id="width"` that control the width of cards _(from 200 to 800 pixels)_
- one with `id="fontSize"` that control the font size _(from 20 to 40 pixels)_
- one with `id="background"` that control the background lightness _(from 20% to 75%)_
> _tips:_ use `hsl` for colors
### Notions
- [`<form>` ](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Form )
- [`<input>` ](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input ): [`text` ](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/text ), [`range` ](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/range )
### Provided files
You have at your disposal the following files that you can download to test locally:
- the HTML file [index.html ](/public/subjects/gossip-grid/index.html ) to open in the browser, which includes:
- the JS script which will allow to run your code
- some CSS pre-styled classes: feel free to use those as they are, or modify them
- the data file [data.js ](/public/subjects/gossip-grid/data.js ) from which you can import `gossips`
### Expected result
You can see an example of the expected result [here ](https://youtu.be/nbR2eHBqTxU )