## union
### Instructions
Write a program that takes two `string` and displays, without doubles, the characters that appear in either one of the `string`.
The display will be in the order characters appear in the command line, and will be followed by a newline (`'\n'`).
If the number of arguments is different from 2, the program displays newline (`'\n'`).
### Usage
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/union$ go build
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/union$ ./union zpadinton "paqefwtdjetyiytjneytjoeyjnejeyj" | cat -e
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/union$ ./union ddf6vewg64f gtwthgdwthdwfteewhrtag6h4ffdhsd | cat -e
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/union$ ./union "rien" "cette phrase ne cache rien" | cat -e
rienct phas$
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/union$ ./union | cat -e
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/union$ ./union "rien" | cat -e