You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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## TodoList
### Instructions
Write a class `Task` that has two attributes: `description` and `status`, with the corresponding getters and setters.
Write a class called `TodoList` that represents a to-do list. The class should be able to hold a specified number of tasks, each with a description and a status. Include methods to add tasks, set a task's status, update task descriptions, and display all tasks in a neat format showing their descriptions and statuses.
If the index is out of bound nothing happens.
> The description length will be less or equal to 30 character. When the list is full nothing more will be added.
### Expected Functions
enum TaskStatus {
public class Task {
private String description;
private TaskStatus status;
public void setDescription(String description);
// Getters and Setters
// ...
public class TodoList {
private Task[] tasks;
private int capacity;
public TodoList(int capacity);
public void addTask(String description);
public void setStatus(int index, TaskStatus status);
public void setDescription(int index, String newDescription);
public void displayTasks();
### Usage
Here is a possible `` to test your `TodoList` class:
public class ExerciseRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TodoList myList = new TodoList(3); // List can hold up to 3 tasks
myList.addTask("Go grocery shopping");
myList.addTask("Pay electricity bill");
myList.setStatus(0, TaskStatus.COMPLETED); // Mark the first task as completed
myList.setDescription(1, "Pay all utility bills"); // Update the description of the second task
myList.displayTasks(); // Display the list of tasks
and its output:
$ javac
$ java
Go grocery shopping | COMPLETED
Pay all utility bills | NEW