The scoreboard must display the **position**, **name**, **score**, **time** in minutes and paginate the results with the rest of the scores. You also should give to the client the percentage and the position in the scoreboard.
Congrats O.J, you are in the top 6%, in the 2nd position.
Rank| Name | Score | time
1st | Kave | 233254 | 12:01
2nd | A.J. | 222555 | 03:00
3rd | O.J. | 14356 | 05:40
4th | -.- | 13663 | 02:34
5th | iris | 2354 | 00:40
The scoreboard should be ordered by descending order, so the player with the most points should appear on first place.
You will have to create a **go API service**, where you can load the data (POST), and request it (GET). This service will store the information of each play (name, score and time) in a JSON file and returns all the information when requested.