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## banner
### Instructions
`Result` is a better version of the `Option` type that describes possible error instead
of possible absence
Create a structure called `Flag` that as the following elements:
- short_hand: String
- long_hand: String
- desc: String
This structure must have associated to it a function called `opt_flag` that initializes the structure.
Receiving two references strings and returns the structure `Flag`. It should be used like this:
let d = Flag::opt_flag("diff", "gives the difference between two numbers");
println!("short hand: {}, long hand: {}, description: {}", d.short_hand, d.long_hand, d.desc);
// output: "short hand: -d, long hand: --diff, description: gives the difference between two numbers"
It will be given a second structure called `FlagsHandler` that has just one element: `flags: HashMap<(String, String), Callback>`
And the following functions associated to it, for you to complete :
- `add_flag`, that adds to the HashMap the flag and the Callback function.
- `exec_func`, that executes the function using the flag provided and returns the result, that can
be either a string with the value from the callback or an error.
It will also be provided a `type` called `Callback` being a function that is going to be used in the structure
and functions above. This function will be the callback for the flag associated to it.
You will have to create the following callback functions :
- `div`, that converts the reference strings to `float`s and returns the `Result`, being the division of the `float`s or the standard (std) error: `ParseFloatError`.
- `rem`, that converts the reference strings to `float`s and returns the `Result`, being the remainder of the division of the `float`s or the standard (std) error `ParseFloatError`.
### Expected Function
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub type Callback = fn(&str, &str) -> Result<String, ParseFloatError>;
pub struct FlagsHandler {
pub flags: HashMap<(String, String), Callback>,
impl FlagsHandler {
pub fn add_flag(&mut self, flag: (String, String), func: Callback) {}
pub fn exec_func(&mut self, flag: (String, String), argv: &[&str]) -> String {}
pub struct Flag {
// expected public fields
impl Flag {
pub fn opt_flag(l_h: &str, d: &str) -> Flag {}
pub fn div(a: &str, b: &str) -> Result<String, ParseFloatError> {}
pub fn rem(a: &str, b: &str) -> Result<String, ParseFloatError> {}
### Usage
Here is a program to test your function
fn main() {
let mut handler = FlagsHandler { flags: HashMap::new() };
let d = Flag::opt_flag("division", "divides the values, formula (a / b)");
let r = Flag::opt_flag(
"remainder of the division between two values, formula (a % b)",
handler.add_flag((d.short_hand, d.long_hand), div);
handler.add_flag((r.short_hand, r.long_hand), rem);
println!("{:?}", handler.exec_func(("-d".to_string(), "--division".to_string()), &["1.0", "2.0"]));
println!("{:?}",handler.exec_func(("-r".to_string(), "--remainder".to_string()), &["2.0", "2.0"]));
println!("{:?}",handler.exec_func(("-d".to_string(), "--division".to_string()), &["a", "2.0"]));
println!("{:?}",handler.exec_func(("-r".to_string(), "--remainder".to_string()), &["2.0", "fd"]));
And its output:
student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ cargo run
"invalid float literal"
"invalid float literal"
### Notions