The focus of this exercise is to learn to display information, buttons, images and whatever you will need on the screen using Widgets. It is kinda like those displays in Iron Man, but not really.
You will create a first-person style game with only directional and mouse input. The main goal is to create a pause menu where you can change the graphics settings such as resolution, resolution scale, render distance, shadow, texture quality and so on…
- Create a PlayerCharacter blueprint and give him the ability to move forward, backward, left and right. Also, the mouse has to be used to look around.
- four choices for PostProcessQuality, ShadowQuality, TextureQuality, EffectQuality and FoliageQuality. These four choices are LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH and EPIC.
While controlling the player in the game, a widget should be visible at all times. This widget should display on a corner of the screen the rounded X, Y, Z (as integers) coordinates of the player. Just make sure it does not disturb the visibility of the other widgets. If you want, after opening the pause menu you can make the player position widget disappear, and make it appear again when you return to the game.
On the level you should display some grass, textured objects and post process on the terrain to show the settings changes. You can find some of those in the StarterContent folder.