You've been attributed the task to find the main architect of the Tower of Pisa before he achieves his plans, avoiding us nowadays all those lame pictures of people pretending to stop it from falling.
On top of the webpage, each of the four buttons fires a function which has to return an array containing 2 arrays of HTML elements (except for the last function): the targetted people, and the others eliminated at that step - the ones previously eliminated mustn't be included.
- Write the body of the `getArchitects` function, which targets the architects, all corresponding to a `<a>` tag, and eliminates all the non-architects people.
- Write the body of the `getClassical` function, which targets the architects belonging to the `classical` class, and eliminates the non-classical architects.
- Write the body of the `getActive` function, which targets the classical architects who are `active` in their class, and eliminates the non-active classical architects.
- Write the body of the `getBonannoPisano` function, which targets the architect you're looking for, whose `id` is `BonannoPisano` (return only this one as a single element, not an array), and eliminates all the remaining active classical architects.
> From now on, don't forget to [**export**]( all the expected functions, so that they can be imported to be tested