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# Optional Sum
### Instructions
Write a function called `optionalSum()` that accepts two integer arguments, and an optional integer argument. Return the sum of all the arguments.
### Optional parameters
In Dart you can also make function arguments optional, meaning that a function can work even if the optional argument is omitted. If the optional parameter is omitted, it is considered to be null.
### Usage
Example of function with optional parameters:
void someFunction(int firstParameter, int secondParameter, [int? optionalParameter]) {
if (optionalParameter != null) {
print('${firstParameter}, ${secondParameter}, ${optionalParameter}');
} else {
print('${firstParameter}, ${secondParameter}');
void main() {
someFunction(1, 2);
someFunction(1, 2, 3);
- Note: Optional parameters must come after the required parameters.
- Note: You cannot use both optional and named parameters, you should choose only one of them.