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#### General
###### Can you confirm that the program reads a file that describes the processes, analyzes the entire file and proposes a valid solution?
###### Does the project contains a checker program?
###### Can you confirm that at least two configuration files were made by the project owner?
###### Can you confirm that those files are not a copy/paste of the ones provided?
###### Can you confirm that one of those files ends when the resources are consumed and the other one rotate indefinitely?
###### Can you confirm that those files obey the given file format?
#### Functional
##### Try to run the stock exchange program with the files created by the owner of the project.
###### Can you confirm that those files are working with the program?
##### Try to run the stock exchange program with the files created by the owner of the project.
###### Does the program produces a log file?
###### Can that log file be used by the checker program?
##### Try to run the stock exchange program with the [simple](../examples/simple/simple) example, `"./stock examples/simple/simple 1"`.
$ go run . examples/simple/simple 1
Main Processes :
No more process doable at cycle 61
Stock :
euro => 2
materiel => 0
product => 0
client_content => 1
###### Does the display presents a result similar to the one above (optimizing time;client_content)?
##### Try to run the stock exchange program with the [build](../examples/build/build) example, `"./stock examples/build/build 10"`.
$ go run . examples/build/build 10
Main Processes :
No more process doable at cycle 51
Stock :
board => 0
doorknobs => 0
background => 0
shelf => 0
cabinet => 1
###### Does the display presents a result similar to the one above (optimizing time;cabinet)?
##### Try to run the stock exchange program with the [seller](../examples/seller/seller) example, `"./stock examples/seller/seller 10"`.
$ go run . examples/seller/seller 10
Main Processes :
No more process doable at cycle 333
Stock :
repos => 0
transport => 0
skills => 1
fame => 0
euro => 601
###### Does the display presents a result similar to the one above (optimizing euro)?
##### Try to run the stock exchange program with the [fertilizer](../examples/fertilizer/fertilizer) example, `"./stock examples/fertilizer/fertilizer 1"`.(fertilizer example is self-powered and rotates indefinitely)
$ go run . examples/fertilizer/fertilizer 1
Main Processes :
No more process doable at cycle 3973727
Stock :
apple => 0
you => 1
seed => 1
fertilizer => 1
happiness => 37846
apple_tree => 0
###### Does the display presents a result similar to the one above, (optimizing happiness), choosing a reasonable shutdown condition and showing that the whole process went well for several times?
##### Run the same example with a different waiting time `"./stock examples/fertilizer/fertilizer 0.0003"`.(fertilizer example is self-powered and rotates indefinitely)
###### Does the display presents a result with a significantly shorter number of cycles comparing to the previous question output?
##### Try to run the stock exchange program with the [error1](../examples/errors/error1) example, `"./stock examples/errors/error1 1"`.
$ go run . examples/errors/error1 1
Error while parsing `:(euro:8):(material:1):10`
###### Does the display presents a result similar to the one above, where it shows the error?
##### Try to run the stock exchange program with the [error2](../examples/errors/error2) example, `"./stock examples/errors/error2 1"`.
$ go run . examples/errors/error2 1
Missing processes
###### Does the display presents a result similar to the one above, where it shows the error?
##### Try to run the stock exchange program with the [error3](../examples/errors/error3) example, `"./stock examples/errors/error3 1"`.
$ go run . examples/errors/error3 1
Error while parsing `optimize:(euro)`
###### Does the display presents a result similar to the one above, where it shows the error?
##### Try to run the checker program with the [build](../examples/build/build) and the [build.log](../examples/build/build.log) example, `"./checker examples/build/build examples/build/build.log"`.
$ go run ./checker examples/build/build examples/build/build.log
Evaluating: 0:do_shelf
Evaluating: 0:do_shelf
Evaluating: 0:do_shelf
Evaluating: 0:do_doorknobs
Evaluating: 0:do_doorknobs
Evaluating: 0:do_background
Evaluating: 20:do_cabinet
Trace completed, no error detected.
###### Does the display presents a result similar to the one above, where it shows the last cycle and the proof that the sequence is correct?
##### Try to run the checker program with the [seller](../examples/seller/seller) and the [seller.log](../examples/seller/seller.log)example, `"./checker examples/seller/seller examples/seller/seller.log"`.
$ go run ./checker examples/seller/seller examples/seller/seller.log
Evaluating: 0:optimize_profile
Evaluating: 0:code
Evaluating: 1:code
Evaluating: 101:optimize_profile
Evaluating: 101:sell_skills
Evaluating: 101:sell_skills
Evaluating: 101:code
Evaluating: 102:code
Evaluating: 111:code
Evaluating: 211:optimize_profile
Evaluating: 211:sell_skills
Evaluating: 211:sell_skills
Evaluating: 212:sell_skills
Evaluating: 212:code
Evaluating: 222:code
Evaluating: 322:sell_skills
Trace completed, no error detected.
###### Does the display presents a result similar to the one above, where it shows the last cycle and the proof that the sequence is correct?
##### Try to run the checker program with the [testchecker](../examples/checkererror/testchecker) and [testchecker.log](../examples/checkererror/testchecker.log) example, `"./checker examples/checkererror/testchecker examples/checkererror/testchecker.log"`.
$ go run ./checker examples/checkererror/testchecker examples/checkererror/testchecker.log
Evaluating: 0:do_shelf
Evaluating: 0:do_shelf
Evaluating: 0:do_doorknobs
Evaluating: 0:do_doorknobs
Evaluating: 0:do_background
Evaluating: 20:do_cabinet
Error detected
at 20:do_cabinet stock insufficient
###### Does the display presents a result similar to the one above, where it shows the last cycle and the proof that the sequence has errors?
#### Bonus
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](../../good-practices/
###### +Create your own file and run the stock exchange program with it. Does the program work like it should?