You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1.7 KiB

## Candidates checker
### Instructions
Create a file `` which will receive the number of candidates as the only argument.
This argument will always be convertible to `int`, the script will then ask for each candidate the name as string and the age as number.
Once the information for each candidate is retrieved for each of them the script will check the age and print one of the following results:
- `"[name] is not eligible (underaged)"` when the age is less than 18.
- `"[name] is not eligible (over the legal age)"` when the age is more than 60.
- `"[name] is eligible"` when the age is between 18 and 60 (included).
> You must use dictionaries to save the data about the candidates.
### Usage
Here is an example of your script running:
$ python3 3
Add a new candidate:
name: Edoardo
age: 17
Add a new candidate:
name: Michele
age: 60
Add a new candidate:
name: Lea
age: 61
Edoardo is not eligible (underaged)
Michele is eligible
Lea is not eligible (over the legal age)
### Hints
- In order to succeed your script should print **exactly** the same output as the one in the usage section. So `Add a new candidate`, `name: ` and `age: ` should be written in the exact same way and order.
- Tough it is not mandatory you could use `if __name__ == '__main__':` to specify the entrypoint of your script.
### References
- [Function strip()](
- [String multiplication](
- [Entrypoint for a Python script](