## events
### Instructions
You have to design a notification system for a platform.
Depending on the type of event, your event handler will control the size, color and position of the notification.
Create a method named `notify` which returns a `Notification` with the following characteristics for each of:
- `Remainder(text)` :
- `size` : `50`
- `color` : `(50, 50, 50)`
- `position` : `Bottom`
- `content` : the `text` associated to the enum variant
- `Registration(chrono::Duration)` :
- `size` : `30`
- `color` : `(255, 2, 22)`
- `position` : `Top`
- `content` : `"You have {duration} left before the registration ends"`
- `Appointment(text)` :
- `size` : `100`
- `color` : `(200, 200, 3)`
- `position` : `Center`
- `content` : `text associated to the value`
- `Holiday` :
- `size` : `25`
- `color` : `(0, 255, 0)`
- `position` : `Top`
- `content` : `"Enjoy your holiday"`
`duration` must be displayed in the form of `{hours}H:{minutes}M:{seconds}S` . The time will represent the remaining time before the event starts. For example, if there are 13 hours, 38 minutes and 14 seconds left, then the content will be `"You have 13H:38M:14S left before the registration ends"`
Implement the `std::fmt::Display` trait so the text of the notifications are printed in the right color in the command line.
### Dependencies
chrono = "0.4"
colored = "2.0.0"
### Expected Functions and Data Structures
use chrono::Duration;
use colored::*;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Position {
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Notification {
pub size: u32,
pub color: (u8, u8, u8),
pub position: Position,
pub content: String,
pub enum Event< 'a> {
Remainder(& 'a str),
Appointment(& 'a str),
use std::fmt;
impl fmt::Display for Notification {
use Event::*;
impl Event {
pub fn notify(& self) -> Notification {
### Usage
Here is a program to test your function.
use events::Event::*;
use chrono::Duration;
fn main() {
let remainder = Remainder("Go to the doctor");
println!("{}", remainder.notify());
let registration = Registration(Duration::seconds(49094));
println!("{}", registration.notify());
let appointment = Appointment("Go to the doctor");
println!("{}", appointment.notify());
let holiday = Holiday;
println!("{}", holiday.notify());
And its output
$ cargo run
(Bottom, 50, [38;2;50;50;50mGo to the doctor [0m)
(Top, 30, [38;2;255;2;22mYou have 13H:38M:14S left before the registration ends [0m)
(Center, 100, [38;2;200;200;3mGo to the doctor [0m)
(Top, 25, [38;2;0;255;0mEnjoy your holiday [0m)
### Notions
- [colored crate ](https://docs.rs/colored/2.0.0/colored/ )
- [chrono crate ](https://crates.io/crates/chrono )