You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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## auto-jobs
### Instructions
In this exercise you will create different files `task1`, `task2`, `task3`, `task4` containing the formulas required for setup a group of Scheduled tasks in the group.
##### task1:
Time: `Every Friday, at 20:41`
Command: `echo "01"`
##### task2:
Time: `Every minute`
Command: `sh /home/user01/check`
##### task3:
Time: `Everyday midnight at 12 AM`
Command: `sh /home/user01/backup`
##### task4:
Time: `After Every Reboot`
Command: `01exec`
All files content must be in this format:
$ cat task-example | cat -e
* * * * * {command}$
Once it is done, use the command below to create the file `auto-jobs.tar` to be submitted.
$ tar -cf auto-jobs.tar task1 task2 task3 task4
$ ls
task1 task2 task3 task4 auto-jobs.tar
**Only `auto-jobs.tar` should be submitted.**
### Hints
Linux Cron utility is an effective way to schedule a routine background job at a specific time and/or day on an on-going basis.
You can use the `crontab` command to manage your jobs. This command can be called in four different ways:
`crontab -l`: List the jobs for the current user
`crontab -r`: Remove all jobs for the current users.
`crontab -e`: Edit jobs for the current user.
##### Linux Crontab Format:
##### Table: Crontab Fields (Linux Crontab Syntax):
![Table: Crontab Fields](
##### Examples:
1. Schedule a job every hour at the fifth minute, every day: `5 * * * * {command}`
2. Schedule a job 5 minutes after midnight every day: `5 0 * * * {command}`
> You have to use Man or Google to know more about commands flags, in order to solve this exercise!
> Google and Man will be your friends!
### References
- [an editor for cron schedule expressions](