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### Functional
###### Does the starter menu contain a Host, Join, and Quit button?
###### On the Host and Join menu, can the player travel back to the main menu?
###### On the Host menu, can the player customize the following options: server name, max player number, play mode (LAN, ONLINE)?
###### Is the maximum number of players 4 and the minimum 2?
###### If you try to host the server without a server name (input text box empty), does a warning message appear and are you forbidden to enter the server?
###### On the Join menu, can you switch between searching LAN sessions and Online sessions?
4 years ago
###### Once the game finds a session, is a button with the session name displayed on the screen?
###### Does this button allow the player to join the host session?
###### Is there a loading screen while joining the session?
###### Inside the lobby, can players see each other driving around?
###### Is a message present either stating to “Wait for host to launch the game” or to “Click start to launch the game” depending on whether you are the session host or a client?
###### Is the loading screen present on both server and client when the START button is pressed by the host?
###### After the host clicks on the start button, do all players spawn on the race map?
###### Does the race start after a countdown?
###### When the players cross the finish line, does a message appear on the screen indicating that the player wins or loses?
###### When the race finishes, is the player input disabled (player can not move)?
###### Is the Advanced Session plugin being used to create and search a session?
###### Are all widgets navigation handled inside the `GameInstance` of the player?
###### Does the student used "Has Authority" to know if a custom event is called by the server or the client?
### Bonus
######+ When all players crossed the line, is a restart button available?
######+ When crossing the finish line does the name of the winner display on the screen?
######+ Can the players join a session by inserting an IP?