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#### Comprehension
##### Ask the students to elaborate on how Elasticsearch contributes to the system's search and autocomplete features.
###### Are the students able to explain how Elasticsearch contributes to the system's search and autocomplete features?
##### Inquire about the students' understanding of Neo4j's role in delivering personalized travel suggestions.
###### Can the students detail Neo4j's role in personalizing travel suggestions?
##### Question the students on their knowledge of the scalability and operational independence of each service (Elasticsearch, Neo4j).
###### Do the students comprehend how each service is scaled and operates independently within the system?
##### Ask the students about the methods used to ensure data consistency between PostgreSQL, Neo4j, and Elasticsearch.
###### Are students aware of the techniques employed to maintain data consistency across databases?
##### Ask the students to describe the specific functionalities and permissions assigned to Admins, Travel Managers, and Travelers.
###### Do the students understand the distinct functionalities and permissions for each user role?
#### Functional
##### Verify if the Elasticsearch search functionality accurately returns results based on user queries.
###### Does the Elasticsearch functionality effectively and accurately return search results?
##### Check the relevance and speed of autocomplete suggestions provided to the user.
###### Are autocomplete suggestions both relevant and promptly provided?
##### Sign in with a user account. Verify the precision of travel recommendations from the Neo4j database by evaluating user feedback and past participation. Afterward, switch to a different account with varying feedback and participation levels to conduct another evaluation.
###### Does Neo4j deliver precise travel suggestions tailored to user preferences?
##### Confirm the presence of a comprehensive overview on the Admin dashboard.
###### Is the dashboard complete and showing all the information as defined in the subject [Admin section](../ ?
##### Assess the details of the travel management statistics available on the Travel Manager dashboard.
###### Are travel management statistics detailed and helpful for Travel Managers?
##### Ensure that personalized recommendations and travel history are easily accessible on the Traveler dashboard.
###### Can Travelers easily access personalized recommendations and their travel history?
##### Test the ease of navigation and subscription to available travels for Travelers.
###### Can Travelers easily subscribe to and navigate available travel options?
##### Check how subscription cancellations are handled, especially regarding the 3-day cutoff period.
###### Are subscription cancellations processed correctly, adhering to the specified cutoff period?
##### Evaluate the security and user-friendliness of the payment process.
###### Is the payment process secure and accommodating of various payment methods?
##### Test if Travelers can submit feedback on their travel experiences without issues.
###### Can Travelers submit feedback easily?
##### Verify if the feedback is visible to relevant parties such as Travel Managers and Admins for quality assurance.
###### Is the feedback accessible for quality control by Travel Managers and Admins?
##### Assess the ability of Travel Managers to create and manage travel listings effectively.
###### Do Travel Managers have the ability to manage travel listings effectively?
##### Verify if Travel Managers can view and interact with subscriber lists for their travels.
###### Can Travel Managers interact with subscriber lists effectively?
##### Verify if Travel Managers can access analytics about their travel listings and subscriber feedback.
###### Do Travel Managers have access to analytics on their listings?
##### Ensure that Traveler profiles are comprehensive, displaying past participations, feedback given, and reports made.
###### Are Traveler profiles detailed and informative?
##### Check the security and straightforwardness of the login process for all user roles.
###### Is the login process secure and straightforward for all user roles?
##### Confirm that role-based access controls are correctly enforced, preventing unauthorized actions across the system.
###### Are role-based access controls properly enforced?
##### Verify if data is transmitted securely using SSL/TLS encryption.
###### Is data transmission secured with SSL/TLS encryption?
##### Check if sensitive data and credentials are managed securely, adhering to best practices.
###### Are sensitive data and credentials handled securely?
##### Assess if the system handles high traffic volumes effectively without significant performance degradation.
###### Can the system effectively handle high traffic volumes while ensuring actions within the app can be completed in under 5 seconds without performance degradation?
##### Check if there is a fallback mechanism to ensure continuity of core functionalities in case of a service failure.
###### Is there a fallback mechanism for service failures?
##### Verify if the user interface is responsive across different devices and screen sizes.
###### Is the UI responsive on various devices?
##### Ensure the UI facilitates easy navigation and access to features for users of all roles.
###### Does the UI support easy navigation for all user roles?
##### Check if the system adheres to data protection regulations and privacy laws.
###### Does the system comply with data protection
##### Read random parts from the code base.
###### Is the code readable and simple to understand?
###### Is the code well separated? Did the students convince you about that?
##### Verify if the platform is protected against SQL injection and XSS.
###### Can the student prove that the platform is protected against SQL injection?
###### Can the student prove that the platform is protected against XSS?
##### Verify if Passwords are encrypted.
###### Are passwords encrypted?
#### Bonus
##### Review if the system has been implemented as a Progressive Web App (PWA) to enhance the mobile user experience.
###### +Has the system been implemented as a Progressive Web App (PWA) to enhance the mobile user experience?
###### +Do PWA features such as offline functionality, background sync, and push notifications work correctly across various mobile devices?
###### +Is the application's load time optimized for mobile use, following PWA best practices?
##### Verify if multilingual support is integrated into the system to cater to a global user base effectively.
###### +Is multilingual support integrated into the system to cater to a global user base effectively?
###### +Can users seamlessly switch between languages, and is the language preference persistently stored for future sessions?
###### +Does multilingual support cover all aspects of the platform, including user interface elements, notifications, and user-generated content?
##### Review if any innovative features have been introduced that significantly enhance user engagement or the value of the platform.
###### +Has the project introduced any innovative features that significantly enhance user engagement or the value of the platform?
###### +Are these innovative features functioning as intended without causing any errors or issues within the system?
###### +Do these features demonstrate a clear understanding and application of current technologies or methodologies to solve user needs or improve the platform?