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## raid3
### Instructions
This raid is based on the `raid1` functions.
Create a program `raid3` that takes a `string` as an argument and displays the name of the matching `raid1` and its dimensions.
- If the argument is not a `raid1` the program should print `Not a Raid function`.
- All answers must end with a newline('`\n`').
- If there is more than one `raid1` matches, the program must display them all alphabetically ordered and separated by a `|`.
### Usage
student@ubuntu:~/student/test$ go build
student@ubuntu:~/student/test$ echo HELLO | ./raid3
Not a Raid function
student@ubuntu:~/student/test$ ./raid1a 4 4
| |
| |
student@ubuntu:~/student/test$ ./raid1a 4 4 | ./raid3
[raid1a] [4] [4]
student@ubuntu:~/student/test$ ./raid1a 3 4 | ./raid3
[raid1a] [3] [4]
student@ubuntu:~/student/test$ ./raid1c 1 1
student@ubuntu:~/student/test$ ./raid1d 1 1
student@ubuntu:~/student/test$ ./raid1e 1 1
student@ubuntu:~/student/test$ ./raid1c 1 1 | ./raid3
[raid1c] [1] [1] || [raid1d] [1] [1] || [raid1e] [1] [1]