##### Open two browsers (ex: Chrome and Firefox), log in with different users in each one and with one of them try to send a private message to the other.
##### Open two browsers (ex: Chrome and Firefox), log in with different users in each one and with one of them try to send a private message to the other.
##### Try to open a private conversation, that has more then 10 messages.
###### Is the last 10 messages sent to this user loaded for you to see?
##### Try to open a private conversation, that has more then 20 messages and scroll up to see the rest of the conversation.
###### Does it use the scroll event to load more messages?
##### Try to open a private conversation, that has more then 20 messages and scroll up to see the rest of the conversation.
###### Does it load just 10 messages, without spamming the scroll event (This can be done using the function [Throttle](https://css-tricks.com/debouncing-throttling-explained-examples/#throttle))?