#### Functional
###### Has the requirement for the allowed packages been respected? (Reminder for this project: (only [standard packages](https://golang.org/pkg/)
##### Try to run `"./push_swap"`.
###### Does it display nothing?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap 2 1 3 6 5 8"`.
###### Does it display a valid solution and less than 9 instructions?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap 0 1 2 3 4 5"`.
###### Does it display nothing?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap 0 one 2 3"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap 1 2 2 3"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap <5 random numbers>"` with 5 random numbers instead of the tag.
###### Does it display a valid solution and less than 12 instructions?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap <5 random numbers>"` with 5 different random numbers instead of the tag.
###### Does it still displays a valid solution and less than 12 instructions?
##### Try to run `"./checker "` and input nothing.
###### Does it display nothing?
##### Try to run `"./checker 0 one 2 3"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
##### Try to run `"echo -e "sa\npb\nrrr\n" | ./checker 0 9 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
##### Try to run `"echo -e "pb\nra\npb\nra\nsa\nra\npa\npa\n" | ./checker 0 9 1 8 2"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
##### Try to run `"ARG=("4 67 3 87 23"); ./push_swap $ARG | ./checker $ARG"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
###### As an auditor, is this project up to every standard? If not, why are you failing the project?(Empty Work, Incomplete Work, Invalid compilation, Cheating, Crashing, Leaks)
#### General
##### Try to run `"ARG=("<100 random numbers>"); ./push_swap $ARG"` with 100 random different numbers instead of the tag.
###### +Does it display less than 700 commands?
##### Try to run `"ARG=("<100 random numbers>"); ./push_swap $ARG | ./checker $ARG"` with the same 100 random different numbers as before instead of the tag.
###### +Does it display the right result as above?
#### Basic
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/good-practices.en)?
###### +Is there a test file for this code?
###### +Are the tests checking each possible case?
#### Social
###### +Did you learn anything from this project?
###### +Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?