You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

46 lines
1.1 KiB

## Lines
### The new line character `'\n'`
One other special characters in strings is the `\n` (new line), we use it to
represent a new line without having to have a new line in our string.
Also the single and double quote delimited strings can't actually have literal
new lines:
let fewlines = "\nHellođź‘Ź\nTheređź‘Ź\n";
// Same string but with literal new lines:
let usingLiteral = `
You can use the literal `\n` character to split text on each lines:
let splitted = `
console.log(splitted); // ['','Hellođź‘Ź','Theređź‘Ź', '']
// Note that empty lines becomes empty strings !
### Instructions
You have been recruited to analyse a bunch of poems, your first task is to count
the number of lines.
- Declare a variable `linesCount` of the number of lines from the provided
`poem` variable.
However, you must ignore empty lines in the beginning and the end using the `trim`
string method.
### Notions
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