You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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## object_to_json
A lot of information on the web are shared in the JSON format. This exercise will be about transforming object to JSON and vice-versa.
### Instructions
You just landed a new job, congrats! Your new task is to build two functions to allow new users to register to your new shiny website.
The new registration information comes as string formatted as JSON. You need to create a file `` that will have the following functions inside:
1. `create_new_user` that will receive a `dict` and will return a new object of the class `User` provided below. To be valid, the input `dict` must have a `username` key and an `email` key. The new `User` will have the same `username` and `email` of the input `dict`. If the input `dict` is invalid, the default user will be returned.
class User:
username = 'user'
email = ''
2. `user_to_json` that will receive a `User` and will return the object as a string in JSON format. Be aware of the Python types that can be converted to JSON!
### Usage
Here is a possible `` to test your functions:
from object_to_json import create_new_user, user_to_json
registration_0 = '{"username": "mario", "email": ""}'
registration_1 = '{"city": "Rome", "country": "Italy"}'
user_0 = create_new_user(registration_0)
user_1 = create_new_user(registration_1)
$ python3
{"username": "mario", "email": ""}
### Hints
- In python, it is possible to define a class and create a class object with the following syntax:
class MyCalss: # define a new class
attribute1 = 0
attribute2 = 'something else'
my_obj = MyClass() # create an object of MyClass
- It is possible to convert an object to `dict` using the `__dict__` casting.
class C:
a = 1
b = 2
my_obj = C()
my_obj_dict = my_obj.__dict__ # my_obj_dict will be a dictionary with the object my_obj values
### References
- [Class and Object](
- [json.loads()](
- [json.dumps()](