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#### Functional
##### Setup Nexus Repository Manager
###### Has the Nexus Repository Manager been successfully installed and configured on a local or remote server?
###### Is Nexus configured correctly to work under the specified user not 'root' user?
###### Are repositories set up for different artifact types such as JARs, WARs, and Docker images?
##### Development and Structure
###### Is there a simple web application developed using the Spring Boot framework?
###### Does the project utilize a proper Maven or Gradle project structure?
##### Artifact Publishing
###### Is the build tool (Maven or Gradle) properly configured to publish built artifacts (JARs/WARs) to the relevant repositories in Nexus?
##### Dependency Management
###### Is Nexus used as a proxy for fetching external dependencies required by the web application?
###### Is the project configured to resolve dependencies from Nexus repositories?
##### Versioning
###### Is versioning implemented for the web application and its artifacts using Nexus capabilities?
###### Are different versions of artifacts effectively retrieved and managed?
##### Docker Integration
###### Is there a Docker repository set up in Nexus, and is the Docker image published to the repository?
##### Continuous Integration (CI)
###### Does the pipeline automatically trigger builds, tests, and artifact publishing upon repository changes?
##### Documentation
###### Is clear and detailed documentation provided for project setup, configuration, and usage?
###### Does the documentation include relevant screenshots and examples?
#### Bonus: Nexus Security and Access Control
##### Security Exploration
###### +Have Nexus security features like user authentication and role-based access control been explored?
###### +Are repository-level permissions effectively configured?
##### Configuration
###### +Are security settings configured to restrict access to specific artifacts or repositories in Nexus?